Another geometry question.

<p>Here it is</p>

<p>http:// img232.imageshack .us/i/ w t f pw.png/</p>

<p>Just remove the spaces. Sorry, im a forum noob.</p>

<p>Why is the answer D?</p>

<p>You don’t have to put spaces;this is not Youtube where you’re not allowed to post links.</p>

<p>The side length of the square is 4(4 Large Radii). Thus, the diagonal is 4sqrt2. The diameter of the small circe is thus 4sqrt2-4. The center of any large circle is sqrt2 away from the closest vertex. Thus, the diameter of the small circle is 4sqrt2-2sqrt2-2=2sqrt2-2.Thus, the radius is sqrt2-1.</p>

<p>I seriously doubt the SAT will ask a problem this difficult. Did you get this from Barrons?</p>

<p>it was from the 2008 January SAT QaAs, not barrons.</p>

<p>Thanks for your explanation =). I got it right by guessing a bit XD</p>