Another "honor" for UW

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<p>My feelings are mixed.</p>

<p>My parents are worried sick of this, and this is the main reason why they've seriously considered sending me to Ann Arbor despite the oos tuition. I don't mind kids partying or having fun, but topping the list is not the thing I want to see.</p>

<p>1. UW-Madison
2. California, Santa Barbara
3. Arizona State
4. Indiana
5. San Diego State
6. Florida State
7. Ohio University</p>

<p>LMAO, schools I applied to...</p>

<p>Potterlim, every school gets out of hand in different ways. When I was at Madison, they told me the same amount of eople who party, is found studying in the libraries. You can drink if you want to, but students first-hand told me that they've never felt pressured to party or drink and that it's totally fine to study on a Saturday night if you need to.</p>

<p>Don't let these silly polls sway you. A few years ago, MIT made the top 20 party schools (I mean, come on, MIT!!??). Ditto, UVA. Are these 2 not great schools? Don't let some Playboy editor looking to boost sales sway you. UW-Madison's a great school. Partying is a fact of life at any large school. Just don't think because UMich isn't on their, they don't party hearty there (and they don't appear just because of the silly myth/stereotype that all the partying in the state is at rival Michigan State)... And Michigan State, like U.Wisc, is a fine school.</p>

<p>Look at the (academic) stats and not the fluff.</p>

<p>MIT kids party like crazy...Ive seen it first hand, they must just have so much academic pressure that they like to release it on the weekends. MIT deserves a top party school slot. But it doesnt fit the BABES section of that ranking.</p>

<p>My feelings arent mixed at all, that is frickin sweet. I really think its the best of both worlds, #1 party school and #1 CEOs what more could u want?</p>

<p>Quincy - Is it possible for you to say one message without bringing up some comparison between Michigan and MSU attempting to diss Michigan? We weren't even talking about either school, and you still come in another forum and make statements about it, give it up or leave the forum.</p>

<p>Sorry, Wolves, you don't set the rules. Sorry your hatred of MSU fogs your brain so much.</p>

<p>LOL, I don't have a "hatred" for MSU, my goodness, you need to act your age and use that "education" you got at MSU. It's not my fault you've gotten stepped on in life and looked over. Just like the students at MSU.</p>

<p>i however do hate the spartakusseses</p>

<p>A2wolves6, you amuse me. I just wish you had something positive to add rather than following my posts attacking me. Sure, I promote positive info on MSU and am proud to do so. It’s a great school and I choose to share positive information about it with prospective students. That’s what this forum is all about. But if you bothered to follow my threads, I offer such info on other schools, too (Case Western, Earlham, Binghamton, UMD—places I know something about and care to share positive info on them, too) to name a few that come immediately to mind. I am also defender of all state schools, generally. As I’ve said, on the MSU forum, esp (to you over the other sensible posters there), there is a time and place for “trash talk” but CC is not the place for it. So I really don't know what your point is (though, it's pretty obvious you have none) Also, I've never attacked or put down ANY school (or their alumni) -- not U-M or any place else -- I defy you to search my posts and find otherwise) esp. with the type of silly broad-brush put downs you do of MSU (see, above) which, I guess, shows your immaturity. </p>

<p>I'm really sorry that, because of your extreme dislike of MSU, my posts noting its pluses (where, once again, I welcome you to come with some hard facts to refute aside from yours, and goblue's, mind-numbing silly stuff), it angers you so much. I feel really terrible for you. Yet not so terrible that I’m in any way seriously paying attention to your boring, pathetic tripe.</p>

<p>LOL, Quincy, did you have a bad night and had to come on late to pick on a poster? How sweet!</p>

<p>If you think you have never attacked or put down Michigan, well, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you need some medication.</p>

<p>I don't search through posts. I have better things to do than read through your anti-anything-non-MSU posts throughout the board.</p>

<p>I don't have a dislike of MSU, this is hilarious. Did you not take any reading comprehension classes at MSU?</p>

<p>You're such a hypocrite. You say you're not paying attention to me, yet i'm getting under your skin. You say you're not paying attention to me, yet you write long extended responses directed solely at me. </p>

<p>Keep it coming, I love the laughs!</p>