<p>I know there seems to be a bizillion questions in regard to the interview process at Princeton, but I was just wondering whether there are any other applicants out there who haven't been contacted yet to setup an interview. I know that interviews are subject to availabilty, but I live about 20 minutes away from Pittsburgh- a fairly sizalbe city- and haven't received any notification or correspondence whatsoever. I'm starting to get a little antzy! Anyone?</p>
<p>i havent gotten any, and EVERYONE else in MY SCHOOL has. i FEEL your pain. and i LIVE in a MAJOR city. WHYY??? CAN SOMEONE ANSWER MY QUESTION??? lmao.</p>
<p>Just wait a while longer my friend got his interview 2 weeks before i got my email to set it up.</p>
<p>If you live in a major city your interviewers may have several applicants to interview…I say don’t stress about it.</p>
<p>Honestly, it’s not that big of a deal at all–even if you end up not getting one (highly unlikely), it won’t really affect your application very much. Don’t worry all that much.</p>
<p>Whew!!! I just got an email to setup my interview this morning. Thanks for all of the advice!</p>
<p>my princeton interview is going to by with someone who went there for undergrad but usc for grad and now works at … is that weird?</p>
<p>haha! u think thts weird? i live half way across the world and they managed to interview me! xD A 1987 princeton graduate did the interview!! she was so nice and sweet :)</p>
<p>not really… my guy went to cornell for undergrad, grad for princeton…</p>