<p>Last summer I had an on-campus interview at Middlebury with a senior interviewer. Since then, I've applied RD. And today in my email inbox I discovered an alumni interviewer who's asking if I want to have an interview. </p>
Does this mean that they don't have a record of my interview from last summer? Does it mean that they think I did a sub-par job on my first one and are giving me a second shot? Should I go for it, or should I reply that I've already had an interview on campus? Will it make a difference in my application? </p>
<p>I'm really confused. I thought it was common policy to only have one interview for a certain college--Middlebury is the only one of my schools that has asked me this. Unfortunately, it's also one of my favorites, so I get to stress out more about it! :)</p>
<p>Are you sure that Middlebury offers an interview to EVERY applicant, or just to those that make the first cut? Is it possible that the offer of an alumni interview is a GOOD sign in this early stage of the decision process?</p>
<p>Thanks for the help–I’m a lot less confused/worried now. Looking forward to my interview! (I’ve never had an alumni one before, just ones on campus). </p>
<p>I visited Middlebury in October of 2008, and after my visit I decided to apply early decision. I felt that my interview went really well, and although my grades/scores are a little on the low side of the averages, I think there were a lot of other aspects to my application that made me interesting. In December, I got deferred from Middlebury. Now, I have been offered an alumni interview by an interviewer in the area, and have, of course, accepted. My question is: Is this a regular occurrence? Should I take this as the admissions being interested and wanting more information or is it just a mistake by the computer?</p>
<p>Arcadia was saying a few posts back that every Midd applicant is offered an alumni interview, regardless. Maybe you’ve been offered another one because you’re now part of the RD pool? </p>
<p>I don’t know, I say go for it–jump at the chance to show them more about how interesting you are. You can always call admissions and ask if the offer is okay or not.</p>
<p>Please don’t worry if you got a second interview, because it doesn’t mean anything beyond them offering you an interview because you requested one. The interview is, in every sense, optional and not considered in the overall admissions process, so it doesn’t matter. Either way though, I definitely advise you to go just to learn more about Middlebury and the great experiences (I’m sure) people have had there :)</p>