Another laptop/computer question


<p>I will be a first-year bio major at UCSD. How necessary is it for a person in bio major to have a laptop/computer? Is it extremely inconvenient if you don't have a computer of some sort? For the lab reports, do you have to type them up on a computer or can you just write them by hand? </p>

<p>Sorry about asking so many questions at once... But I really need to know how badly I need a computer before I spend a few hundred dollars on one.</p>

<p>computer is a convenience, not a necessity.
most lab reports requires to be hand-written.</p>

<p>actually, it's only gchem and ochem labs that are handwritten. the majority of upper-division biology labs involve long-ass writeups and annoying figures. </p>

<p>a laptop's nicer than a desktop, IMO. but really, see how it goes without one and try out your friends' before committing to one -- yours will be nicer :)</p>

<p>I once had to live for an entire month while my comp was getting repaired/dying. I was miserable...</p>

<p>Anyway, I don't think I could have gone through my first year without a computer because of Muir Writing. Well, I would have lived, but it would have been more of a hassle. I guess its more convenient than anything else, though...</p>

<p>And if you are an incoming freshman and you do not have priority enrollment of some sort, don't even consider bio labs (which are typed, by the way) in your decision... They are a loooong way off, unless you get lucky.</p>

<p>You don't need a computer. There are hundreds of computers you can use for free, spread all around campus.</p>