Another Low GPA Thread-Ball State University

<p>I'm new to the forums, and I can assume that this type of post is common, so sorry. I'm a senior this year and have just taken the SATs today. I've only seriously started thinking about college since the end of my junior year, and that's something I'll regret for the rest of my life. </p>

<p>Because of my lack of care, my gpa my freshman and sophomore year was abysmal. Freshmen year was probably close to 2, and sophomore year was even lower (I made the awful decision to attend school online, I don't recommend to anyone). </p>

<p>My Junior year, however, I transferred to one of the better public schools in my state and made a's and b's in standard, non-ap, classes with the exception of a c in trigonometry. </p>

<p>Now I've just ended the first quarter of my senior year with straight a's in Jazz Band, Concert Band, Music Theory, Personal Finance and Economics (both 1 semester courses that I've completed, with a's, in credit recovery because they conflicted with my schedule), Dual Credit English 12, AP GOV, and AP Calc. </p>

<p>I'm confident my SAT scores will be good, as I received a score of 182 on the PSAT and I've learned a tremendous amount since then, particularly in mathematics which was my lowest score. So I think 1800 is a more than safe assumption.</p>

<p>My overall GPA at the moment is... a 2.3. It's terrible, I know. And it scares the heck out of me because I don't know how to show the school that I've improved as much as I have, because my first quarter grades, even though there finalized, aren't reflected by my transcript. </p>

<p>Anyway, I'm applying for music education, as my name implies. I'm confident I can get into the music school, it's the actual university I'm worried about. I have two recommendations, one from my band director, and one from my piano teacher who works as an accompanist at Ball State. These may or may not influence the decision of the university admissions department.</p>

<p>I guess what I'm asking is if I have a chance at all with such a low gpa? And how, if at all, can I show Ball State that I've matured as much as I have? (Thank you for reading this, if you've made it this far. Thank you even more for your replies, I sincerely appreciate it.)</p>

<p>Personally, I do not know anything about ball state university. Given your academic performance and a lack of any APs or Honors classes, it probably will not lead to a great academic outcome in terms of university. Now, if I were in your position, I would probably attempt to go to a community college for two years, and transfer with a damn good gpa. Once again, my goal is to be a MD so my vision may be a bit skewed, I do not know what most good music universities are nor what they typically require GPA wise. To me a good school is Tufts, BU, Cornell, Johns Hopkins, Bing, Stonbrook. But I am a different type of student then you.</p>

<p>Well, like I said I’m taking AP Calc and AP gov this year and have gotten a’s in each this first quarter, as well as in dual credit english. </p>

<p>My GPA is the only thing holding me back, I have okay extracurriculars, and good sat scores (For the school at least, 75% percentile is below 1800). Plus Ball State isn’t a TERRIBLY competitive school.</p>

<p>You couldn’t be more right in saying your a different type of student than me, it’s sad but like I said I didn’t seriously start considering it until less than a year ago. Ball state isn’t out of my reach, I don’t think, I just need to know how to show how much I’ve matured. </p>

<p>Also, a community college isn’t an option. Almost all music ed majors involve four or five years worth of courses. Going to a community college would lead to me attending school for at least a year longer and would cause an unbalanced schedule the first few years. </p>

<p>Update: turns out my estimate of 1800 Sat was pessimistic. I Scored 1940, 690 math, 660 reading, and 590 writing.</p>