another primary/alternate question

<p>I've heard that both the primary and alternate schools can read both essays, but if I'm applying to THE SAME EXACT MAJOR at both schools (bioengineering at CALS and CoE), do you think they would care if I use similar essays?</p>

<p>I believe only the alternative college reads your primary essay… (why would the primary read the alternative?)</p>

<p>It’s a risk to take… they could potentially think you are lazy. but if you are short of time and have other apps to finish, I suppose it shouldn’t matter TOO much.</p>

<p>it’s fine, it is literally the same major, and the major is an agreement between CALS and CoE</p>

<p>I like the idea of having the choice to apply to an alternate school. However, I don’t really think it is worth very much. I feel like if my first school (CALS) rejects me, then my second school (ILR) probably will as well. What are the chances of getting into your second choice after your first rejects you? I’m thinking they’re not too big.</p>

<p>Anyway, my alternate choice essay was pretty bad. And I definitely used part of my primary essay. Oh well. It was a struggle chugging out 8 essays in two days.</p>