Another question

<p>Since Poly has a credit requirement, how are we supposed to fill that requirement from grades 9-11?</p>

<p>On the application you can’t put in your 12th Grade courses because a grade is required for them</p>

<p>so what if i’m a senior now and i’m taking US History, which is a requirement but isnt on my application because i only had my first quarter grades when i applied.</p>

<p>its haunting my mind that i wont meet the credit requirements</p>

<p>I believe you enter courses in progress and planned. Yes? I’m recalling this from year’s past applications not recent. Someone with more recent experience needs weigh in …</p>

<p>The CSU application has you list courses in progress, which is where you enter your senior year courses. Go to the CSU mentor site, log in, and review your application to confirm that it’s complete.</p>

<p>yep ur right…its too late now</p>

<p>i screwed up the application</p>

<p>looks like im rolling down to regular decision…damn</p>

<p>ill email them to make the changes for reg decision…</p>

<p>thanks for the help
good luck to all</p>