<p>My ds did a print preview of his common app. His essay appeared perfectly fine on paper (with multiple paragraphs, space between them, etc.). However, I keep reading over and over again how one can only have two paragraphs. If the essay is formatting correctly on the print preview paper version, will it format that way when it is electronically submitted? Or can one not rely on how it looks printed on paper?</p>
<p>TIA for any insights about this.</p>
<p>It’s just not true, the rumor about the two paragraph limit. That was a mistake made early on based on a badly worded help topic in the new common app. The reality is that you can have an unlimited number of paragraphs but only one return between each. You cannot do two returns in a row, so there can be no blank lines between paragraphs.</p>
<p>If your preview looks good, then you can be assured the submitted app will look good. What you see is what they will see.</p>
<p>My ds <em>does</em> have blank lines between paragraphs. No idea how he did it though.
<p>Sure hope you’re right about what you see is what they will see.</p>