Another schedule difficulty question =x

<p>BIOL 1105 (3 creds) -- Principles of Biology w/ G Simmons
BIOL 1115 (1 creds) -- Princ of Bio Lab w/ CM Webb
CHEM 1035/1045 (4 creds) -- Gen Chem & Lab, both w/ Amateis
GEOG 1014 (3 creds) -- World Regions w/ John Boyer
PHIL 1304 (3 creds) -- Morality & Justice w/ Matthew D. King
SOC 1004 (3 creds) -- Intro Sociology w/ William Snizek</p>

<p>I'm hoping they will allow me to force add Intro to Biochem.</p>

<p>So far, that's 17 credits total. I know it's heavy. Any thoughts specifically on Morality & Justice? in terms of difficulty/professor. I'm a math head, not a writer.</p>

<p>Background on my academics: I'm a math & science head, they come easily. I've taken AP Bio & AP Chem, 4 on both, so I feel them two will be more like review courses + time consuming for assignments, but not necessarily hard. I feel World Regions should be easy (from what I've heard) and Sociology should be decent (based on I hear Morality & Justice is very difficult, but I want to take it so bad! What do you guys think?</p>

<p>And please skip over the 1st semester freshman + 17 creds = no, I've heard it all and I understand the reality of it all already - and I am still considering it all (I'm just saying that saying it again will just needlessly extend this thread). </p>

<p>Thanks you advance! :)</p>

<p>They won’t allow you to add Intro to Biochem. It just won’t happen. Freshmen can’t overload first semester. Even though Intro Sociology might not be your typical math love, you should be fine, because Snizek is great. World Religions is one of the most popular electives on campus. Unfortunately, I don’t know anything about your big question with Morality & Justice. Other than that it sounds like you’re right on with what you’re thinking about it.</p>

<p>I can’t add it because they don’t allow students to force add into that class or because it’s too many credits? I thought maximum was 19? I would only be at 18 then (and I do plan on dropping a class if I can’t handle it, which may be likely). </p>

<p>Do you think this schedule is difficult to maintain straight A’s in? (How difficult do you think?) I will be going for straight A’s as a pre-med. </p>

<p>Also, does anyone have personal insight on what it’s like to have a heavy courseload like mine, but having a couple of the classes be retakes of AP’s for which you received high exam scores on?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>That’s a pretty easy schedule. 17 credits isn’t really that hard for a freshman when they’re all 1000 level classes. World Regions is really fun (and pretty easy,) Morality and Justice isn’t THAT bad although it requires a bit of writing and thinking. It’s a stupid, stupid class in my opinion though. Basically you’ll end up learning a bunch of different people’s form of morality and then decide based on those whether or not we should go around killing judges. Anyone who’s taken the class knows what I’m talking about. I’d guess that Intro Sociology is easy because A) Intro and B) Sociology (engineer pride HUAH.) Chem can be kind of difficult but you’ve got a good professor. Bio is the wildcard; I’ve got no idea how hard that class is.</p>

<p>Also, drop the straight-A mindset immediately. You’re not going to carry straight As through college. Period. Do the best you can and at the end of your undergrad career your GPA is your GPA.</p>

<p>Let’s be honest here. That’s a cake walk schedule. That means lots of drinking. The weekly lab reports might be annoying, for Chem/Bio, but its bearable. </p>

<p>Boyer is easy, and its a really fun class. Sociology and Philosophy are ok, but honestly, if I were you, I would spread out your BS classes and not take all of them right away. You want to leave some till the end, so your last semester can be some crazy easy 12-13 credit semester.</p>

<p>I didn’t realize Intro to Biochem was only one hour. The overall schedule is pretty darn easy as a result, even if you add it.</p>