Answer to why RIT has low retention

<p>On another post, someone asked why RIT has lower retention than many schools in its category as noted by US News and World Report. It has lower retention when compared to all ivys and when compared to many other technical schools such as CMU and Cal Tech etc. Here is my response to that poster:</p>


<p>We investigated this issue for my daughter. There are a number of reasons, in my opinion, for the lower graduation rate, much of which has little to do with school quality:</p>

<li>RIT overall isn’t that hard to get into. They accept about 65%-70% of their applicants although this does vary from school to school within the university. However, it is uniformly a very tough school to do well in. I think that many kids go there without an understanding of how difficult a technical school can be. You mentioned that the graduation rate of schools such as Cal Tech, MIT, ivy schools etc. have a much higher graduation rate. However , they also have very tough admission standards. Generally, retention has a direct corellation with the toughness of the admission standards. The higher the admission standards, the greater the retention. This certainly isn’t RIT’s fault, and I personally applaud them for maintaining high standards for their students. </li>

<p>I should note that being on a quarter system adds to the toughness in some ways. If you get sick for a while, you will miss more than with a semester system. Both mid terms and finals come at the students with greater frequency than with a semester oriented school. As for my personal opinion based on interviewing both students and faculty members, I personally believe that RIT offers a stellar academic environment. Most kids don’t seem to leave RIT because of academic reasons.</p>

<li>There is comparatively little to do on campus. Unlike other schools such as Penn State, Ohio State, Northwestern and other big name schools, RIT doesn’t have a lot of school spirit. For example, sports, which really does build school spirit ( such as with University of Miami and Syracuse), isn’t that strong RIT. RIT’s strongest sport is hocky, which isn’t that popular in the US. Frankly with the weather being so cold, who wants to play tennis, football, baseball etc. Kids tend to stay indoors, and I think develop cabin fever.</li>

<p>This is compounded by the fact that RIT really isn’t right near anything. Yes, Rochester has a lot to do in the City, but you really need a car to get anywhere. Even with a car. Rochester still isn’t as neat a city for a college student as other cities such as Boston, NY, Miami, Wash DC etc.</p>

<p>Also, unlike other technical schools such as CMU, RIT doesn’t have a drama program or musical theater. This reduces the activities available on campus and reduces the number of girls that apply to RIT, which will be discussed below.</p>

<p>I should note that RIT is building a “student city” where there will be restaurants and shops. However, this will take a long time to build and to finish. I also don’t know about the type of facilites or stores that will be in the city. For example, I wonder whether there will be a bowling alley in the city?</p>

<p>I should also note that RIT is trying to increase activities on campus by supporting lots of clubs. There are over 100 clubs right now available to students. However, my feeling is that this just isn’t enough to overcome the other problems.</p>

<p>Finally, the US News ranking system builds in alumni contribution as a factor in the admission process. Generally schools with strong sports programs have high alumni contribution percentages. Frankly, I feel that this is a rediculous factor in ranking a school.</p>

<li><p>It’s REALLY cold in Rochester: Rochester is very, very cold most of the year. In addition, they get a lot of snow , and it can be quite overcast and dreary most of the year. Thus, kids tend to stay indoors a lot. I guess many kids get cabin fever. The weather can also be depressing if kids are cooped up for too long a period of time.</p></li>
<li><p>RIT has a mediocre male/female ratio. The ratio of guys to girls was about 70-30. RIT is trying to remedy this,but, most of the girls are found in the school of imaging science and art. Thus, their might be one girl for ten guys in the science and engineering courses. This is a REAL problem for them that they need to remedy.</p></li>

<p>Also, many girls tend to study humanities related stuff such as history, English, etc. These areas on not strong at RIT and thus, don’t attract a lot of students who want to major in humanities related majors ( other than for art and design).</p>

<p>Of course, if you are a girl, I would imagine that you would love the male-female ratio.</p>

<li><p>RIT does have a coop program. US News rankings really doesn’t handle schools with coops well. This may require many kids to graduate in 5 years or more. This, thus reduces the potential 4 year graduation rate.</p></li>
<li><p>Kids might take jobs as a result of their coop: Sometimes kids are offered full time jobs through their coop experience. They might then switch to part time status and take 6 or more years to graduate.</p></li>
<li><p>RIT doesn’t seem to have the support system found at some other schools. At some schools such as Syracuse University, Villanova,etc., there is a strong support system of tutors, counseling and other forms of help for students.Although professors are accessible at RIT, I never got the feeling that there was nearly as much hand holding and support for kids as found at other schools. Perhaps because RIT is less expensive than Syracuse and that of other private schools, they don’t have the money for this type of support. Who knows? </p></li>
<li><p>Housing is a real problem: Althoughl RIT guarantees housing for all the years of a student, it doens’t guarantee that you will either like the housing or be near your classes. While they do have some nice appartment type housing, geting them is very difficult. You either must win the lottery or get to know someone who has an appartment. They do have plenty of housing at a nearby hotel and other places that require a bus in order to get to the main campus. Frankly, who wants to have to take a bus to get to class each day? I guess kids can bring their cars and pay for parking as an alternative. Still, it is a far cry from having dorms that are close by and within walking distance of all classes. They have too few dorms that are within walking distance, and these are mostly for freshmen and for some sophomores however.</p></li>
<li><p>RIT is not as diverse at it appears. I believe that great diversity in all ways helps the educational program for students and provides more things to do since differing groups look for and sponsor differing types of activities. RIT has some decent geographic diversity although most kids are from NY.They don’t, however, have a lot of nomal minorites that you would expect to see at most schools. For example, RIT has a very small Jewish presence among students for whatever reason. While I was touring RIT, I also didn’t see a lot of underrepresented minorities. I don’t know how much this affects the quality and quantity of things to do, but I suspect that it does have some affect.</p></li>

<p>There are probably others who can paint a broader picture than I. These are just based on my opinions while touring the school. I certainly could be in error regarding one or more points. See the thread, “Overview of Our Vist to RIT” found in the RIT forums</p>

Excellent post. I think you've hit the nail on the head for many issues. Here are my comments on your points, based on what I know about Rochester and RIT given that I live here, and based on our own exploration of RIT:</p>

<li><p>Your point about admissions being less selective is right on. They have to teach the same curriculum in, say, the ABET accredited engineering as CMU, but they are dealing with kids that are overall much less prepared. A realted thing - I don't see a strong scholarship program at RIT. Their scholarships seem to be all over the place, they're small, many require extra applications and essays and even dealing with outside organizations. Tighten that up, attract more top students to raise the overall intellectual environment.</p></li>
<li><p>Little to do on campus. Bingo. Really nothing to do on campus. Why RIT moved out to Henrietta 20 years ago is still a mystery to those of us who live here. Had they stayed downtown it would have been a much better plan. I don't know what you do about that. The "city" they are trying to build there -- well, I don't know. The only thing I've seen here are ads for senior citizen housing on campus (I think in that "city"). Apparently it's supposed to attract retirees who want to continue being educated, blah blah. It just sounds like someone's pipe dream to me. Rochester can barely support the way-too-many stores and chain restaurants that we have now. I don't know who would move a business to such a seasonal and limited location as that -- but I could be wrong.</p></li>

<p>Your sub-point here about lack of drama/musical theater program is dead on. For my son, RIT appears to be nearly barren of cultural opportunities that he would be interested in. No one at the information overnight could tell us if they even have an orchestra (I don't think they do). He is picturing that nice little Playhouse in the middle of the RPI campus -- it's just what he'd want to participate in. In a culturally and musically wealthy city like Rochester, this is just inexcusable. You miss out on a lot of fabulous students if you can't provide something to do besides a few sports and video games.</p>

<li><p>Really cold weather. Well, I have to sort of take exception here. Our weather here is actually less cold than, say, Chicago, and downright balmy compared with, say, Montreal. I will concede however that the overcast days (caused by the lake effect) are really bad. But people really use our weather as an excuse for everything that is wrong with upstate NY. It is NOT the main problem. (But that gets us off on a tangent.)</p></li>
<li><p>Male/female ratio. This is a big problem for ALL of the tech schools, not just RIT. I think it is the number one reason kids seem overall less happy at them.</p></li>
<li><p>Co-op program. Why is Northeasten so much better known for their co-op program? RIT should be tooting its horn on that one!</p></li>
<li><p>Kids taking jobs. Yeah, I suppose that happens sometimes.</p></li>
<li><p>Lack of support system. I agree. It did not seem to me to be as nurturing an environment as, say, RPI. While they keep emphasizing that one advantage to RIT is the fact that they are primarily dedicated to undergraduate education, I never heard anything to back that up. Again, this may be a problem with the type of student they have there. Perhaps they are less inclined to seek out help -- if that's true then they need to figure out how to approach their student body in a more affirmative manner perhaps.</p></li>
<li><p>Housing problems. YEAH. They try to downplay that, but I know from living here that RIT kids have housing issues. For one thing, they need to nix the crappy hotel housing. NO STUDENTS should be housed miles from campus in an old hotel! Also, what is their excuse for housing shortages??? It's practically a brand new campus for cryin' out loud. Build more housing quads, with higher quality housing, tighten up their students, it makes them happier. Simple. For a good example, they need only visit Northeastern.</p></li>
<li><p>Lack of diversity. I think that is a big hurdle for them, for a number of reasons. Not prestigious enough to draw lots of Asians or internationals, and perhaps the same is true for many downstate Jews, I don't know.</p></li>

<p>Overall, I think for starters, RIT needs to concentrate a little harder on how they can make their students happier. And I'm not saying that they all are unhappy! I know lots of kids who love RIT. But, overall, I think there is room for improvement. </p>

<p>U of Rochester has put enormous resources into getting kids better integrated into the Rochester community (from a campus that is also isolated -- although less so that RIT's) -- and they have found that their kids are happier when they can get off campus easily to enjoy the variosu things they like to do here. They also have several volunteer/group projects/internship opportunities that help kids make that bridge between learning and real issues that need solving. RIT could learn some lessons from them. </p>

<p>By the way, in spite of what I see are some problems, I think RIT is well situated to be a World is Flat kind of place. I will encourage my son to apply there. But I also see so much room for improvement. I think they just need to get focused on their image, their students' satisfaction, and slowly improve their retention numbers.</p>

<p>Weenie, I did want to add something based on your post. RIT does have an orchestra. In fact, surprisingly, they have a music minor where kids can participate in performances for credit. I don't know, however, how good the musical program is or how many musical opportunities actually exist.</p>

<p>Thanks taxguy. I'm going to check that out!</p>

<p>I go to RIT and this is spot on. In fact I’m leaving for a lot of these reasons.</p>

<p>filmgirl22, can you elaborate a little?</p>

<p>The post is very nice by why RIT?
I need to know exactly do these problems still prevail in RIT or has they change a lot with time.</p>

<p>Are there still the same housing concerns (e.g., use of hotels) for incoming freshman or has this issue been resolved? An update would be very helpful. Thx.</p>

<p>Hello tejas2204, Our son attends RIT and loves it. He is not terribly social so this school works for him. His is in awe at the work being accomplished by the New Media Design upper class juniors and seniors. At times I’ve tried to encourage him to leave and he wouldn’t think of leaving. Housing is not as much an issue with the introduction of Global Village. The young men seemed to get booted to the RIT Inn - 3 miles from campus. Freshman must live on campus in the dorms. Transfer students are stuck at the Inn. Our son’s friends (different major) all love the school and wouldn’t trade it -even if they had to sleep on a sofa somewhere.</p>

<p>My son and his friend attend RIT and also love it. The graduation rate is the same as other schools. It has a low 4 year graduation rate because of the Co-op program as Taxguy mentions above.</p>

<p>The info below is from FAFSA.</p>

<p>School Name ---- Graduation Rate ---- Retention Rate
RIT------------------ 64% --------------- 88% </p>

<p>This is from another source on the internet:
Graduation and Retention Rates:
•First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 88%
•4-Year Graduation Rate: 28%
•6-Year Graduation Rate: 66% (I assume this is for Master’s degrees)</p>

<p>This is from the President’s welcome address in 2010:
Also on the academic side, we implemented a University Studies Program for students who are undecided as to major and to help those who wish to change majors, and we completed a telephone survey of those students who left RIT in good academic standing to determine their reasons for leaving. As a result of these initiatives and many others that we have introduced over the past few years to improve student retention and graduation rates, we are finally beginning to see progress in this all-important area. In fact, 91.3% of all Freshmen entering in Fall 2009 are registered for the Fall 2010 quarter(a record high), and the 5-year graduation rate for the latest cohort has increased to 68.3%, indicating that the usual 6-year graduation rate for this cohort will exceed 70% (also a record high).</p>

<pre><code> Also RIT is highly regarded where I work for it’s engineering students. I have talked to other major companies and they also had high regard for RIT Engineering students. Is it the best engineering school? Maybe not, but it is a very well run school and seems like the best value as it was the lowest tuition between RIT, Clarkson and RPI in New York.

<p>So for engineering, I think it is the best choice in New York. I cannot speak for the other majors.</p>

<p>All I know is my son loves it there, is very happy and is getting great grades by working very hard. So that is all I need to know. :-)</p>

<p>For anyone thinking of RIT, I highly recommended attending the College and Careers weekend event. You and your child should know after that if RIT is for them. <a href=“[/url]”></a></p>

<p>By the way, for anyone freaking out about that 4-year graduation rate keep in mind that most of our programs are 5 year programs because of the REQUIRED co-op. This is why the four year graduation rate is so low because very few programs are supposed to be finished in 4 years.</p>

<p>This post is very helpful. I didn’t even realize that RIT had a low retention rate. From what I’ve read and seen about the school, I love it. But I wonder if I’ll end up transferring like I see so many people do… :P</p>

<p>A 64% Grad rate isn’t terrible. The 4-year rate is not a valid measurement of the school because most programs are 5 years. Really that 28% is mostly people finishing early.</p>

<p>Just to clarify, the original post was from 2006. RIT’s retention rate has been steadily climbing and is now up to 91%:</p>

<p><a href=“BigFuture College Search”>BigFuture College Search;

<p>Definitely not a low retention rate nowadays.</p>

<p>This is very interesting and helpful! I think there are an immense number of positive things about RIT, though… and I don’t think it’s bad that they’re willing to be less selective and give kids a chance to sink or swim. In fact, I think that’s an extremely good thing.</p>

<p>I am Jewish, however, and a bit concerned about that - noticed not much in the way of Jewish organisations on campus when I visited. But that’s not entirely make-or-break for me.</p>

<p>Two areas that may help. This is the link for the RIT hillel
[Rochester</a> Institue of Technology Hillel, Jewish Life on Campus](<a href=“]Rochester”></p>

<p>Second, my husband went to school there 40 years ago and for services he went to the Interfaith chapel at Univ of Roch.
[Chapel</a> :: University of Rochester](<a href=“]Chapel”>Faith Communities : The Interfaith Chapel : University of Rochester)</p>

<p>@Lakemom: Thanks! They do have an interfaith center of their own now… though I don’t know much about it; it wasn’t really discussed at my visits aside from being mentioned.</p>

<p>I was very surprised by the small Jewish population at RIT. According to Hillel, they have 250 out of nearly 14k undergrad, about 1.8%. Very low for a school in NY. Even University of Alabama has 2.4% (and growing).</p>

<p>Yes, Chardo, that surprised us too.</p>

<p>Interesting stats on the Jewish kids since U of Bama is my son’s second choice. I just assumed there’d be more Jewish kids at RIT.</p>