Answering questions about Loomis

I’m thrilled that she’ll be a scholar and Loomis is a smaller school. But we did not expect Andover so it is definitely a tough choice to make: we have to revisit to make a decision. There is no financial aid at Andover
Loomis isn’t financial aid either. It is just the LC scholarship

I took Writing 2: Power and Persuasion during the week of July 4-July 16, and a SSAT class!
As for the other information you provided, I am definitely a humanities person, and that is one of the biggest reasons I want to go to Loomis! However, I also do like math so hopefullyyyy I will have a different experience, and I’ll be sure to ask some of my friends who go there: I have a friend in the Class of 2024 who is taking Calc, so I’ll ask him what he thinks of the program.

Also, I have a question about the courses offered - I think during my interview my interviewer said that there were no AP classes? If this is true, do you mind explaining what kind of other courses are offered? Thanks!

Ohhh. I assumed that Loomis gave financial aid. That makes it harder lol. I hope I can be of any help in making your decision. Feel free to ask me any questions about Loomis

Ohh I took a different course. Loomis would be perfect for you for humanities. definitely reach out to your friend. He might have a different, hopefully better, experience. Loomis does not offer AP classes. When I first heard this, I was shocked, but it’s definitely a lot better. So instead of AP, we have CL (college-level) classes. CL classes are usually at or beyond the level of AP. They don’t follow the college board curriculum for APs but generally prepare you to take AP exams if you choose to. Not all CL classes prepare you to take the AP exams though. For example, CL European History and CL United States History don’t prepare you to take the AP Euro and APUSH exams respectively. On top of the AP replacements, there are additional CL Classes that don’t have AP equivalents like CL Molecular Biology and CL Astrophysics. I hope this helps.

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We took 70 new sophomores this year like you’re going to be fine

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Oh to add onto this they discourage you to take AP Euro tests in my experience I can talk more if needed but they typically don’t let you. The only reason I could find to appeal was the fact that I wanted to look at UK schools which needed at least 5 ap tests but then it was still discouaged

coming from one houstonian to another-- Loomis does not have enough texans. I know my other friend though who is also from Houston is also an LC scholar so I can connect you guys if you need

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If you like chocolate you’ll be fine. There’s literally chocolate cake at every meal.

But seriously it’s pretty decent especially this year, it got a lot better I think.


My son was accepted as a 9th grade day student. What have you observed with the integration of day students with their fellow boarding students socially and otherwise? I know it may take some time for that to happen given that boarders tend to bond with each other more quickly. Are there programs, events, functions at Loomis that facilitate the integration of day students?

Separate question, what was your day to day experience like your first year at Loomis? What did you like most and like the least (and you can’t say the food! LOL)? Thanks.

I think that there’s a small separation but if you’re in a friend group it’ll work. I’ve seen some friend groups being separated based on residential status but most of the time it doesn’t matter. Day students are also allowed on campus over weekends so it helps that they can come and participate in events, though not many do.

I think my first year here at LC was interesting because of COVID but this year it’s gotten a lot better. My fav?? experience is just the amount of opportunities we had (like I was able to go to a national diversity leadership conference and do a lot of stuff with administration and stuff) and least fav would be the lack of communication from dorms/administration lol. But like also some of the juniors I know this year are nosy as h*** and won’t shut up about colleges so there’s that

(forgive me im writing an essay atm and I literally can’t spell)


In my experience, day students tend to hang out more with day students, and boarders tend to hang out more with boarders. That being said, it is not hard for day students to integrate with boarders because they’re usually able to come to campus whenever they want outside of school hours (these past 2 years have been different due to covid). I think due to covid, there haven’t been too many events that facilitate the integration of day students.

My first year at Loomis hasn’t been the typical first-year experience due to COVID. I’ve been told it’s usually a lot more fun, but I still had fun even with the restrictions. Paradoxically, what I’ve liked most and least about Loomis are the people lol. Some of the people I’ve met here are some of the closest friends I’ve ever had. They’re like my family. On the other hand, some of the people I’ve met here are very insufferable. While I expected competition since it is a prep school, it can get too much and overwhelming. People get competitive over the smallest things. It’s ridiculous; I feel like the competition gets worse as you go up each grade level.

My daughter is a day student and her very best friends are boarders. It works out great in both directions because my daughter always has a place to go on campus and her friends know they are always welcome at our house on breaks and weekends, etc. We also do a lot of helping with rides.

It took my daughter a month or so to find great friends when school started and that month was really rough but now she has the best friends she’s ever had. Friendships largely seem to form on sports teams, in clubs and even in class so there are plenty of opportunities for day students.

The workload is likely to be a huge adjustment if coming from public, just FYI. My daughter went from about an hour of homework per night to 4+. I wish we had been better prepared for that fact but it becomes more manageable as the year progresses just because the kids learn to use their time more effectively.

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do you think I’m insufferable LMAOOO

But I agree. I think to give an example two of my friends had the biggest fight about math camps. Like it gets really bad but it’s really not unique for boarding schools, and especially one like Loomis.


I came from a public school that gave out no homework to (at some point) going to bed at 2 am and waking up at 6 am to do work. I’m a bit of an extreme case (if you check my other thread with my current EC’s you’ll know) but stuff like this isn’t uncommon for people, I think for classes you really do need good time management or else it’s really easy to fall behind. A lot of people study on Sundays as well.

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Thank you both for your input and perspective. Very helpful.

Thank you.

Could you share any information about the Robotics program at Loomis?

it’s a good program—my friends are in it and it lasts two terms out of the year. We just came in 2nd for states I believe.


Does Loomis sent out a welcoming package to newly admitted students?