So congrats to the class of 2022! I’m a freshman at UCSD (Warren College), too wiped from finals weeks to get off the couch, so I thought I’d try to answer stuff.
MODERATOR’S NOTE: Anyone is free to ask or answer questions in this thread. Note that the OP hasn’t been back on the site since March 28. @californiapoly
Do you know anything about switching colleges? Is it possible to switch before enrolling in the university?
Are the GEs at warren College hard for non engineering majors? Also is it far away from classes?
I want to do a study abroad program. Can I get my GE’s done while studying abroad?
@ucstudent77 sooo my understanding is that it’s kind of hard to switch colleges, but it’s possible… I’m not sure how early you can put in a transfer request, but I think it should be fine to try asap…
honestly unless there is a specific GE curriculum that is really unfitting for you, it doesn’t seem to matter what college you’re in once you’re here. I wouldn’t want to stay in sixth because their housing isn’t the best (but some of the coolest people live there), or in revelle because it has the hardest GE’s (but people make it work), other than that I haven’t noticed anyone caring.
@road2college2018 boy is this a question I can answer. I didn’t research where any of my classes were on campus before the first quarter, and ended up picking ones that were the farthest away… in revelle. Once I found the right shortcuts, it didn’t take me more than 25 minutes to walk to them, but in the beginning it took a while. It really doesn’t end up being a problem.
The GEs for Warren, in my opinion, are the best, because they seem to pretty much fit for people in every major. The only college that might be easier is Muir, but that difference is honestly miniscule. Anyway, the courses required for GE’s have been required for most majors; at least, that’s the case for everyone I know. I think (double check me on this) it’s just warren writing, a couple of ethics classes, and something in ‘formal skills,’ and a lot of people’s APs cover those…
There is walk-in advising that I’ve been to in Warren, too, and they’re pretty available and helpful.
@ucstudent77 I’m pretty sure that you can get GE’s done studying abroad (I think you have to do Warren Writing here)… but I’m also like 90% sure you have to be at least at sophomore standing already to study abroad, and junior for most programs, and by then you can just get your GE’s done here.
Also if you shoot an email to the Study Abroad office and Academic Advising, they usually answer me in a couple of days and are pretty helpful. They’ll help you even if you’re not enrolled yet.
Hello! I am currently a senior in high school, but will be studying abroad in Slovakia for a year and will apply for UCSD’s class of 2023. Do you know if a lot of accepted students choose this option? Also, I will most likely be double majoring in international business and political science…do you think that Warren would be a good fit? Thanks!
Hello, I hope finals went well for you. I’m an incoming freshman and I’ve declared Math-CS as my major. I’m considering shifting my major to Data Science or perhaps even double-majoring.
Do you know anything about the Data Science major? How does it differ from the typical Computer Science major? I know they just added a new data science institute there, which I imagine is even more of a reason to turn to Data Science. What’s your opinion? Thanks!
D admitted to class of 2022 as a Math-Econ double major. Preferred major was BME. What are the chances of being able to switch over to BME after joining? OOS. Has admits at UMN (In state) and UW Madison (Tuition Reciprocity with MN) for BME. Also USC BME (no aid). Pondering next steps. Thoughts welcome.
Hey I tried to post an original thread but it doesn’t seem to be getting much traction. Can you talk a little bit about the vibe? Is it competitive/cutthroat? Do you talk about classes outside of the classroom? What is the social scene like? Is it collaborative? What’s the community like?
@123sonya haven’t heard of anyone doing it, which should help you write a unique and engaging admissions essay. I think Marshall would be a better fit, as it’s closer to the School of Management and Social Sciences buildings without the hard GEs of ERC. Warren has extra GEs if you’re not an engineer.
@Triton2022 I wouldn’t rush that decision, as you can switch out of Math-CS easily but not back in. Get to campus, talk to administrators and professors in the data science program and maybe take an entry course to get a feel for which you prefer. You’re right that it’s an exciting time to get involved in data science here, but I’d err on the side of caution in your case.
@mnparent2000 if your daughter is okay with doing biochemistry, UCSD is a great school although the program probably isn’t worth OOS tuition over UMN or UW. The BME program is worth that tuition, but the odds of getting in are pretty low. You have to maintain an extremely high GPA in the screening courses and hope that enough people switch out of the major. Is she leaning strongly toward UCSD?
@DoctorP Thanks! She was definitely excited about getting in to UCSD. She is going to think it through the next few days. USC BME is going to be a tough option financially and not sure it is worth almost three times UWM or UMN.
What are class sizes in the Mech E department? Is this information published someplace? Are prof reviews posted on-line for students to read?
Incoming freshman here
What are the GE courses at Warren college and since I’m planning to take summer classes, what class should I take?? Thx
@Randomdude123 guess it depends on what/where you’re going to fulfill some of the GEs. based on your previous post, you’ll definitely need chem 6A (which requires enrollment in 20A). you’ll need to take the Warren writing class before you can enroll in the phil 27/poli 27 (which are the first class in one of the warren GE sequences)
compare your GEs for Warren here:
I would definitely advise getting calculus started asap (if you haven’t gotten AP credit for it or something). I’d definitely be prepared to talk to a counselor about your academic plan but go here: and select “Warren” for your college primarily, and set the entering year to the previous year (2017-18) because they haven’t put up this year’s academic plan YET.
@thinkweism thx. Is English 1a one of the requirements too?