<p>laxgurl0707: </p>
<p>The Suez canal crisis was in 1957. Egypt tried to nationalize the Suez Canal (which was basically owned by France/England). So the UK, France and Israel attacked Egypt. Then the Eisenhower administration forced a ceasefire and got the UN to step in.</p>
<p>The Vietnam War was a major part of the Cold War. Sorry, this is a bit long. But, the history matters!</p>
<p>Basically, the domino theory dictates that if one democratic country falls to communism..all the rest will fall. So, the US was funding all these fascist/democratic (whatever you want to call them) government/groups all over the world at this time in the fight against global communism. After the French gave up Vietnam as part of France, it became a separate country with the Diems in power (who were funded by the US). Starting in the late 60s, as the Diems became more and more unpopular, communism became much more appealing/popular. Ho Chi Minh (the leader of the communists in the North) started to develop an armed struggle. The US got nervous so under Kennedy, troops started to be placed in Vietnam. There were a lot of assassinations of people in Diem's government... As the Northern Communists became stronger, the more and more the US got involved with more troops. Under Johnson, a ship was blown up in the Gulf of Tonkin. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution enabled Johnson to conduct military operations without Vietnam becoming a formal war. So, in the 60s-70s, the war got really unpopular in the US. Due to the fact that many Americans weren't used to guerrilla warfare in the forests and the things used (napalm), it was not a very easy fight for Americans resulting in the loss of American lives. Cambodia was a hot-spot where many Communists were..and the government sought expanding there. But, then, in 1974, the Pentagon Papers, which detailed how badly the Vietnam War was going..from inside the Pentagon got leaked into the New York Times. We stopped taking an active role starting in 1974 thanks to Kissinger and the unpopularity. Troops were brought back...And, in 1975, the Communists conquered all of Vietnam. And, the US failed in Vietnam...one could argue.
....That took a while. Sorry for the enthusiasm. </p>
Go to a bookstore before they close. Get the Official SAT II Book and take the practice test. If you do well, just walk in. Otherwise, you can always wait until September. I did that with World History, a year after the fact with a 5 on the AP. I did well. I probably could have gotten an 800 if I had actually glanced over material. But, USH is so entwined with us, that you might be able to pull a really good score off without studying.</p>
Dude, chill. I mean, the Constitution questions, I might understand a little. But this isn't US Government. Just glance at the Bill of Rights if you're a bit uneasy about it. But, you do not need to know the total American population. They give you charts/cartoons on the test to convey data/information. No need to memorize random censuses...</p>