Anxious::Accepted or Rejected?

<p>I turned in my app two days ago(i know, kind of late), I still need to send in my SAT scores but in your opinion, do you think I am accepted or not?</p>

SAT-1790, 740m, 470cr, 580w
420 hours of volunteer work
Asian Indian, Out of State</p>

<p>That's pretty much it.</p>

<p>IN IN IN IN IN IN and I don't mean Indiana!</p>

<p>:) that made my day, thanks for quick reply.</p>

<p>I wonder, number 10 for computer engineering program, shouldn't purdue be MUCH harder to get in to?</p>

<p>It is a state school that has rolling admissions........apply early get in early. Right now they have a very progressive President....Jiske who is advancing much of what they do and you will see it become more difficult to gain admission in the future.</p>

one more question. after 1 year, will i count as an in state student or all 4 years as out of state.</p>

<p>out of state all 4... 31k a year is dreadful</p>

:( some unfortunate news, the counselor will take about 1-2 weeks to mail everything :(</p>

<p>Does purdue start the admission process once SAT scores are in? or does it wait till transcript is in too?
Do i still stand a chance?</p>

<p>dont worry your in</p>

<p>lol ok im really depending on it.</p>

<p>im sorry to burst ure bubble but dont be soo confident that hes gonna get into purdue for sure...Purdue is a university that is on the rise [ by this i mean academically as well as other fields] . I would say ure in if ure applying into their non engineering / management majors . Pre-pharm and other ag. related science fields r tough as well but liberal arts etc should be an IN . ps- im a freshman in the presidents leadership class and also a senator of my dorm and i truly am seeing how purdue is progressing... so mail everything in ASAP or dont be suprised if u dont make it later on....</p>

<p>umm according to my counselor, she sent in everything tuesday of this week.. 3 days ago</p>

<p>dude im sure u will get in, its not that hard to get into, i have a lot of friends at school taht got in that have similar stats, one of them had like a 640 on his math sat and got into engin.</p>

<p>yup been 2 weeks exactly. waiting for reply.</p>

<p>Accepted :)</p>

<p>Wow grats!!!</p>