Anxious Anyone?

<p>Well, its getting to be that time. A bunch of my friends have already found out, and its getting so exciting. I'm just upset that Miami changed it to the 20th. Ah, we'll find out eventually hehe. Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>ah yessss im so anxious but i just applied EA cause of financial reasons. Good luck im sure you will get in. Do you know what poeple have been getting accepted and rejected and like just their basics stats as well as scholorships???? I'd love to hear even a few just cause im so curious. THanks. And good luck</p>

<p>I applied ED to UM. Heard from my area's rep that they have been on hold on all decisions until donna shalala made the decision on whether or not to raise the sat score standards for this years admissions requirements. Got word today from the Miami herald that she upped the score requirements by over 100 points. Anyone else hear about this?</p>

<p>she did....heard about it this week!!!</p>

<p>My friend got in already ED....</p>