<p>Hi all-- I'm applying in September for the next cycle of law school admissions, and I believe that law school numbers and similar sites are not as applicable to me, being a Mexican American (URM). </p>
<p>I'm finishing up my business degree at USC Marshall with a 3.41 (LSAC) and 172 LSAT--I've got letters of recommendations from a Congresswoman and a TV law personality that happens to be my ugrad law prof, I am classically trained to play violin, piano, and guitar, I've won numerous debate/MUN awards (including best delegate/champion a few times), I have relevant work experience, I've been signed to a music label and have played with washed up celebrities like the Beach Boys, and my mother did not attend college and emigrated here from Mexico while pregnant for better opportunities for me (I think that may be a good personal statement topic)...</p>
<p>I'm applying to the best law schools I can, but I've heard that being a Mexican URM doesn't help nearly as much as being another, more favorable ethnicity--could I please get a chancing regarding the T-14?</p>
<p>I really do appreciate this forum and everyone's time.</p>
<p>Thanks so much !</p>
<p>Check out the top law school fourm and then go to the URM page, there are lots of kids in your same shoes. My daughter is also mexican and she applied late in the cycle this year and is getting on lots of waitlists. Get you applicaton done early and start applying early in the fall. Dont wait or the urm spots will be taken. You should do very well, also check out law school numbers and put in your scores and it will tell you where other urm’s are getting in. There is a special place to go where you can put in urm status only and see what you get. If you have trouble just message me and I will send you the link.</p>
<p>I’ve checked those out but it seems that since there are so few Mexican URM’s that the numbers help very little-- but even hearing that your daughter has gotten on waitlists is assuring that they are at least considering and all-- the advice to apply early is very helpful as well, since I was debating not applying as early as possible as I figured that the best and brightest apply asap and I would be judged against them–it had never occured to me that URMs were taken on a first come first serve but I suspect you are absolutely right-- thanks so much!</p>
<p>has your D decided whether or not she will ride out any of the waitlist. I suspect there will be a lot of movement after the first deposits are du (april-may).</p>
<p>yes she going to wait out the WL because she applied so late that she still has 10+ school that she still hasn’t heard back from. She just got another WL yesterday, so I think she will try and she what she ends up with by June. If she doesnt like what she ends up with she will try again next October. I just hope something comes through so she can get started in the fall instead of waiting another year. She is living in LA this year with out much hope for a decent job so I would rather she be in school. Please learn from her mistakes and apply early</p>