<p>I got into parsons, but the admissions counselor told me, so now im waiting on the packet.
Anyone been accepted anywhere for fall 09? and anybody know when we should be expecting decisions from schools? (SCAD, Parsons, FIT, Pratt, SVA, ect.)</p>
<p>SAIC and CCS</p>
<p>Still have to apply to MICA and SVA</p>
<p>Still waiting! I applied for foundation/fashion design.</p>
<p>I got accepted as a Cinema major at UHartford, but I won’t be attending there as it’s my safety.</p>
<p>SVA said they will start sending out decisions in December. Anyone know about SAIC?</p>
<p>I’m accepted into SAIC, CCA and MICA for Spring 2009.</p>
<p>want to major in graphic design/visual communication.</p>
<p>Accepted to SVA for Photography</p>
Congratulations on the acceptance form SVA! When did you find out? Are you going to attend?
Dd has been waiting to hear from SVA (photo) and others since the beginning of November. She called yesterday to check her status and they said her decision has been made and it is on the mail. They would not tell her anything on the phone.
Did you apply to others? </p>
<p>One more thing, did your acceptance letter come in a regular sized envelope? (sounds crazy but there is a good reason I am asking).</p>
<p>Not All acceptance letters come in the big envelopes like you see on t.v alot of the time they send you the decision letter them the acceptance package later.</p>
<p>They don’t tell you on the phone because then they would have to tell everyone.
It kind of wierd how they I know someone you got their accepance letter from a school that I was applying to and I got mine a week later</p>
<p>So don’t fret it will come and getting a small letter does not automatically mean your not accepted so not just throw the letter away if it is small.</p>
<p>Hope this helps</p>
<p>Thanks - I’m very excited since it’s my top school, and I’m going to attend! I found out yesterday.</p>
<p>I applied to SVA the first day they released their application (September 1) and had been anxiously awaiting my admissions decision. I also applied to NYU and SAIC for photography, but now I don’t need to worry about those since I’m going to go to SVA.</p>
<p>The white envelope is approximately 9" x 13" and has the SVA Admissions seal with the logo on the top left hand corner.</p>
<p>Let me know if you have any other questions, and best of luck to your D!</p>
Hi - this is lindb’s daughter. I am curious how you came about your decision to attend SVA because I also applied to the same schools you did (and a few others) for photo. I have not heard from any of them. Hopefully to hear this week about SVA - I called Monday and they said the decision is in the mail. NYU is mailing out decisons today and tomorrow. Don’t know baout SAIC - sounds like a great school - but I am pretty sold on being in NYC. Also, applied to PArsons. A couple of my friends from NYU summer photo are there and really like it.
It must be such a relief to you to know you are in.
One question - what are you going to do if you getinto NYU since Ed is binding?</p>
<p>Dd accepted to SVA Photo.
Now, I really have questions…</p>
<p>Check your PM inbox, I sent you a message.</p>
<p>know this is not the right forum but could someone help me</p>
<p>I was thiking about transfering to RISD, I got waitlisted last year and was close to getting in, but didn’t, next on the list, with was a big suprise and confidence booster b/c my art teacher at the time basically said I couldn’t get in and didn’t like my work, she didn’t actually say it but her expressions towards my work were not so good and she always had favorites </p>
<p>I was woundering does RISD give Financal aid to Transfers and have they ever given a Full Schalorship, if so what did the person do to deserve it/ get it?</p>
<p>Alos I know you can take classes at Brown and Transfers as of now are not admitted into the dual degree program but has anyone ever got a degree from both schools with out offically being in the dual degree program becasue I would really like to get one from both, I have a plan if not but it would save time and money if transfers were allowed </p>
<p>Has anyone Transfer or not been accepted to RISD yet?
and if so can I see your portfolio.</p>
<p>Your EFC is zero, won Gold from scholastic, got into Marie Schwartz thing, top of your class at worlds best-est academic / art magnet HS but still they wont give you full ride youd have to choose between MICA and KCAI.
Transfer is especially hard financially, dont forget binding student loan and health insurance thing. There is lot of hidden costs.
Here is the thing about Brown/ RISD from old thread
Good luck
<a href=“http://media.www.browndailyherald.com/media/storage/paper472/news/2008/09/12/CampusNews/Dual-Deg[/url]”>http://media.www.browndailyherald.com/media/storage/paper472/news/2008/09/12/CampusNews/Dual-Deg</a></p>
<p>Oh, can’t link this way…
It was in “Brown/RISD Dual Degree Program” thread. way way back in Sep.</p>
<p>Accepted to SAIC for Photography in addition to SVA</p>
<p>Congrats bmc! </p>
<p>Do you have your portfolio online anywhere?</p>
<p>Accepted into Saint John’s University’s creative photography program, with partial scholarship.</p>
<p>Eagerly awaiting SVA and Pratt results haha</p>
<p>I’m waiting for SVA & Pratt too :(</p>