Any benefit to sending in new score?

<p>My daughter took the ACT last summer and scored the requisite 32 to secure the Presidential Scholarship. Her school made all seniors take the ACT again last month (well after most application/scholarship deadlines). My daughter scored a 33. Is there any benefit or reason I should send this new score to UA? </p>

<p>No, I don’t think the package changes at all after you get a 32. Hopefully someone will correct me if I am wrong.</p>

<p>Eh, there’s always the altruistic benefit of bumping bama’s medians up. Haha. </p>

<p>As Edjumacation states…Bama could use the score.</p>

<p>It could also help in some way with a future Honors College scholarship because they do keep a record of scores.</p>

<p>Alabama could give little incentives to every increase in score from a 32. Like free football tickets for a 33, free parking for a 34, free something else for a 35 and 36. Just my 2 cents to get kids to send in their highest score if Alabama cares about top ACT scores. I think my own son had his 33 sent to Bama but prob not the 34 he received.
If something was offered for a higher score he would send in his highest.
Right now I don’t think he thinks it matters.</p>

<p>^^ Would have thought maybe that six figure scholarship would have been incentive enough. </p>

<p>It obviously isn’t or she wouldn’t be asking the question. If Alabama really wants top scores from these students throw them a bone that doesn’t cost much. There is a cost to send these scores to colleges-not sure how much but if I remember right it’s not free.</p>

<p>No benefit to your child that I can think of, but perhaps some benefit to Alabama. I’d send it, even if it cost me a few dollars.</p>

<p>Just going on human nature…a lot of people are not going to send in their highest score if they reached the Presidential Scholarship with a 32. </p>

<p>riverbirch what do you mean by free parking for a 34? Is that in regards to the parking permit they need to buy?</p>


<p>Yes, if you bring a car, then you need a parking permit.</p>

<p>I am not familiar with Alabama’s policy on parking but I know that it is a sore spot with parents/kids on various universities that charge for parking. $300 per semester just feels like another money grab.<br>
How much is the parking permit? These were just random thoughts off the top of my head to entice kids to send in their higher scores.</p>

<p>Thank you riverbirch, after I re read what you wrote I kinda figured out what you were saying… That sure would have been nice :-? </p>

<p>Those parking decks aren’t built for free. Charging for parking is reasonable given the costs of lot and deck construction, maintenance, and traffic congestion on campus.</p>

<p>I think it depends on the campus.
We have a university by us that was essentially built on farmland with no major city nearby. Charging kids for parking there is almost a crime. They have space galore.
My daughter’s school is in the city so of course parking is at premium and if you can find any, you pay for it.
I was just giving some suggestions on how to get kids to send in their top scores, and maybe in the process entice even more high scoring kids to come to Alabama. Alabama is spending huge dollars to become a more sought after school. I don’t think a parking pass for a select few is going to break them.</p>

<p>I think you might be correct, I was just responding to the general critque of parking fees. UA actually has more parking per student than most other SEC schools. In fact, I think it has too many parking lots. That one behind the library is a real eyesore. Its supposed to be turned into a plaza, but the administration is being awfully slow parting with it. </p>

<p>I still don’t think why anyone thinks UA should have to bribe a student to send in a revised score. First, you get to send a few scores for free with the test. Second, one would think a student would want their official college record to reflect their highest test score. Last, I would sincerely hope that a student would send in the score to boost the school’s average if only for the fact that UA is giving him/her four years’ FREE tuition. I don’t see why those aren’t reasons enough. </p>

<p>If I were running the scholarship program and wanted to boost our school’s average ACT I would definitely give some VIP treatment. It would give kids incentive to take it again and up their score. So is it also bribing kids to come to UA with free tuition?</p>

<p>Is UA asking for these higher scores?</p>

<p>I’ve never seen anything that suggests that Bama is asking for later/higher scores to be sent. Probably because it would seem selfish…after all, a student who didn’t make the full tuition scholarship threshold before the deadline shouldn’t be asked to send a score that the school will use but will not result in higher merit for the student. </p>

<p>Frankly, I think one reason why Bama has started having a later scholarship app deadline and using those Dec test results is because the point was made that those with Dec scores were sending them, Bama was using them for reporting purposes, but the student wasn’t benefitting. It wasn’t fair; Bama realized that, and changed its policy.</p>