Any bit of hope for UCLA?

<p>Hi, I'm trying to transfer to ucla but i will be missing about 4 prereqs for my major after the spring 2009 sem. My transferable gpa is only 3.4. My hope is that since the I'm trying to get into an unimpacted major, I have some chance.</p>

<p>missing FOUR prereqs is unacceptable, even if you were part of tap it would be a no go… try doing some tags</p>

<p>What if the school you are currently in does not offer those prerequisites? By the way, if your school does offer it, I’d suggest you take them.</p>

<p>what if my communty collg doesnt offer it …i mean the prereqs then what to do</p>

<p>take substitutions. like there are some schools that have prereqs specifically listed on but if you look at other schools they may not have that specific prerequisite listed as available. ie at one of the schools i go to, it offers asian art which is a pre req for the art history major. if you look at assist and that school it says that my school doesn’t have a class that meets up with UCLA’s “asian art” pre req, however if you take it at your school its better than not taking it at all, you can petition to get credit for it.</p>