Any Bradley U students, parents out there?

<p>Can you give us your impressions of Bradley? Are you glad you chose this school? Do you find the academics challenging and other students serious about their classes? Are the other students nice? Are you having fun? Thanks!</p>

<p>Our oldest S is just finishing his first year at Bradley and seems to be having an incredible experience. I just asked him the other day how he would rate it on a scale of 1 to 10 and he gave it a 9! Initially he was worried about how he would fit in but I think now that worry has completely faded away. One of the best things he did was to join an EC he’s very passionate about. As a result he has a solid group of friends from that group as well as a great group of dorm friends. In fact, he just finished his dorm request for next year and nearly 30 of his guy and girl friends are all requesting blocks in the same dorm so they can be together again.</p>

<p>All of the students seem to be really nice and down to earth yet academically motivated.
Even though his high school stats and test scores put him in the top 10% of Bradley students he has found his classes interesting and challenging. From what I can tell I think there is a pretty big party atmosphere at times but that’s the case with most schools.</p>

<p>Another thing that was important to us was financial aid. Of the schools S applied to Bradley provided by far the best package. All in all I would highly recommend it! Feel free to private message me if you have other questions.</p>

<p>Thanks! I’m glad to hear such a good review. I appreciate your offer. We are visiting soon and if anything else comes up I will PM you.</p>

<p>We’re considering Bradley also. Our only concern is area safety. Does anyone have any comments on the safety of the campus and the immediate Peoria surrounding area? I’ve heard tales that this is a rougher area of Peoria, and I would welcome comments about student safety and areas to stay away from.</p>

<p>We took my DS there in the fall and I wondered the same thing, mainly because everyone I mention this school to says to me “I would be scared to let my son/dtr leave campus”. We did see some VERY low income housing near the downtown area but I didn’t leave there concerned. I just posed this question to my cousin and his wife yesterday who both graduated from Bradley about 8 years ago. They said that it is safe. It is a very diverse area and there are areas around town that you just do not go into. They said about 10 years ago they built a large mall that attracts many shoppers and is probably a great hang out place. My friends son is now currently a freshman and he hasn’t expressed any problems with his excursions and he has a car there. I’ll have to ask some more details about his entertainment next time I talk to him. My DS is seriously considering this school for EE. BTW the top two halls to stay in are Wykopf(sp) and Harper, my friends son actually is changing dorms this weekend because he hated where he was. These 2 dorms are very social and active, the others not so much.</p>

<p>Stressn: My friends son, 4.0, top 10% of class is ME major this year. He loves it here. He toured us around campus in the fall. I asked him directly if he chose the right place and he said “absolutely”. He has many friends, lots of challenging work, especially calculus (and hs was a breeze for him), and lots of opportunity, he is trying for a 3.75 so he can possibly get his dream coop job. He is already working at the pool. He is changing dorms this weekend because he hated where he was.</p>

<p>I have a friend whose DD graduated a yr ago. Had a very positive experience and no problems with the area whatsoever and recommended Bradley University wholeheartedly. I know one other female student there who has had no safety problems. My DD has been accepted to Bradley and is choosing between BU and University of Dayton. We’ve heard however of some muggings around campus which is the continued cause for our concern. I guess it’s simply practicing common sense. The feeling of security is our main concern with Bradley. I called Admissions a couple days ago (Jan. 2012) to address the safety issue. The lady was extremely friendly and helpful. She has worked there since '97, and while she doesn’t live in Peoria, she said she’s never seen anything that would alarm her safety-wise. I asked about off-campus living for upper classmen and how deep into the neighborhood the campus police go. She said they do go into the neighborhood to patrol. She told me about the Grand Prairie Mall which seems very nice and North Woods. She said the new Bass Pro Shop downtown Peoria has ignited a lot of development in East Peoria. There’s a new Target that’s being built there. She said she often grocery shops at the Super Walmart in East Peoria and sees students in there all the time grocery shopping. I asked the student ambassador who took us on our tour after the tour was over and privately so he could speak freely what the safety was at BU and around the area. He said yeah, there are areas you don’t go into of Peoria, but students know where they are and you just don’t go there. He said he hasn’t had any problems at all. In the end, it sounds like any other area in the world, practice common sense related to safety issues. I was looking for some feedback on this site to make sure that common sense was enough and that the area safety issue wasn’t just too big. As I’ve done more research into the issue it seems that safety won’t be any different than any other college campus. We’re in the final stretch of making a decision, and again, any safety feedback I can get is always very appreciated!!!</p>

<p>I have a friend whose DD graduated a yr ago. Had a very positive experience and no problems with the area whatsoever and recommended BU wholeheartedly. My DD has been accepted to BU and is choosing between BU and University of Dayton. We’ve heard however of some muggings around campus which is the cause for our concern. I guess it’s simply practicing common sense. The feeling of security is our main concern with Bradley. I called Admissions a couple days ago (Jan. 2012) to address the safety issue. The lady was extremely friendly and helpful. She has worked there since '97, and while she doesn’t live in Peoria, she said she’s never seen anything that would alarm her safety-wise. I asked about off-campus living for upper classmen and how deep into the neighborhood the campus police go. She said they do go into the neighborhood to patrol. She told me about the Grand Prairie Mall which seems very nice and North Woods. She said the new Bass Pro Shop downtown Peoria has ignited a lot of development in East Peoria. There’s a new Target that’s being built there. She said she often grocery shops at the Super Walmart in East Peoria and sees students in there all the time grocery shopping. I asked the student ambassador who took us on our tour after the tour was over and privately so he could speak freely what the safety was at BU and around the area. He said yeah, there are areas you don’t go into of Peoria, but students know where they are and you just don’t go there. He said he hasn’t had any problems at all. In the end, it sounds like any other area in the world, practice common sense related to safety issues. I was looking for some feedback on this site to make sure that common sense was enough and that the area safety issue wasn’t just too big. As I’ve done more research into the issue it seems that safety won’t be any different than any other college campus. We’re in the final stretch of making a decision, and again, any safety feedback I can get is always very appreciated!!!</p>

<p>My daughter is looking strongly at going to Bradley next year (2012)and would love to know any important information. We live in NC and I want to know about how happy and safe students are there. Any do’s and don’ts. Anything at all thanks.</p>

<p>I am a freshman at Bradley and I honestly hate it here. Students are nice but there isnt much to do on the weekends except go to frats and there parties. I have gotten quite bored with the school and campus and I am transferring.</p>

<p>During my time at Bradley I’ve found the faculty, students and campus feel to be great. There is plenty to do on and around campus and the professors have also been willing to help if I’ve taken the time to show an deeper interest in their classes.</p>

<p>I went to BU for my undergrad and am wrapping up my grad program this year. I loved Bradley for lots of reasons, but what I found most significant in my experience is that Bradley people take care of each other. From res life staff to professors to housekeepers and cafeteria workers, there is a palpable sense of community. Of course, like at any university, there are people who don’t fit in with our culture, but overall I felt at home here. Wonderful, wonderful university.</p>

<p>Since my post in Jan. 2012, my DD has decided to attend Bradley University in Peoria.
In the end she just had the feeling of fitting in at Bradley. We met with admissions counselors, got all questions answered, and feel this will be a good fit. She’ll be taking advantage of the Academic Exploration Program, which was another reason she chose Bradley. She’s a 4.0 student who’s undecided. I found the admissions counselors to be friendly and extremely helpful. They answered all emails quickly with information to answer all my questions. Orientation is next week! As we begin our Bradley journey, I’m happy to answer any questions I can!</p>

<p>I’m a BU grad (1981) and parent of two college kids, neither at Bradley. Have kept up with the school, many changes, most all positive, in 30 years. Parents & prospies: BU is a very nice school and a tremendous value. But – it is what it is. An urban campus in a diverse city that has seen some hard times. There is a large Greek presence. Are there parties at college? Yes. The campus is compact, you don’t need a car. The administration knows exactly where they are, they live there too, therefore the campus environment is very safe, the immediate area as well, however you are in a big city. Having been through the college process now with two children, my advice is to accept what you see, don’t try to make it what it’s not, and understand that your child will not be attracted to what attracts you – this is not your opportunity to “do over” college! I visited BU from a small farm town and immediately loved it – my parents were skeptical. Angst increased when I joined a fraternity. In the end it I had a great and formative four years there, not without bumps along the way, but that’s how life works. Good luck!</p>