<p>Hi. :P</p>
<p>I was just wondering whether there is someone from my place on cc. :)</p>
<p>We can then talk about where we are all applying to and we can share all the pain of the waiting torture. :D</p>
<p>Hi. :P</p>
<p>I was just wondering whether there is someone from my place on cc. :)</p>
<p>We can then talk about where we are all applying to and we can share all the pain of the waiting torture. :D</p>
<p>I am not Bulgarian but I am Greek. I was born in Athens and speak the language fluently. What schools did you apply to?</p>
<p>Yale (SCEA) and it definitely is my top choice by far.</p>
<p>How about you? :)</p>
<p>Hi! I’m from България! Where do you live? oh and do you mind sharing your scores guys?</p>
<p>I was already accepted early decision at the college of the holy cross. I am planning on doing pre med. I have a 4.01 UW GPA and I am 6th in a class of 270. I got a 31 on the ACT but I only took it once. How about you guys?</p>
<p>And I am from New England</p>
<p>I live in Sofia.
My SAT I score is 2210, but I took it only once and my Math+CR is 1500/1600
SAT II: 800/800 Math II/ Spanish
GPA: 4.20/4.00 weighted or 3.9/4.00 unweighted + 44/45 IB projection </p>
<p>And some international and national recognition in the field of diplomacy/politics, but I still want to remain anonymous. :D</p>
<p>Miamiheat3994, congrats on your acceptance to Holy Cross. It is a top-notch liberal arts school! :)</p>
<p>stormzb, where are you applying? :)</p>
<p>Bump! Come on fellow Eastern Europeans! We should keep at least one of our threads up. Talk about anything - anxiety in the college applications process, how cool/terrible a teacher is, choices, SAT’s…everything! :)</p>
<p>Georgian here. Living in Tbilisi, hoping to get into at least one of my schools… my info is in the thread below.</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/1270220-will-i-accepted-single-one-my-schools.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/1270220-will-i-accepted-single-one-my-schools.html</a></p>
<p>hi guys I’m from Bulgaria too! My SAT is 2230 and SAT subject: Maths level II - 800 and Biology M - 740
Soo are you nervous about the decisions? I’m already going crazy and there are three more months :(</p>
<p>Romania here My SATs are horrible and I prefer to sweep them under the rug and hope that all the colleges do so as well. 4.0 GPA and student body president, as well as other leadership things and random ECs…
Faculty loves me, and so I hope that admissions officers consider my recs more than my test scores. I really don’t test well</p>
<p>Soo to which colleges did you guys apply? for me - Columbia, Stanford, Duke, Harvard, Cornell, Princeton and Dartmouth… now when I think about it might have been a good idea applying to a couple of safety schools but well - too late for that now
at least AUBG is still an option :)</p>
<p>Hey everyone! Bulgarian girl here, in IB 1. Just did my SATs for the first time (1760), yeah, I know, it’s bad, but I’m doing them again in September… so we’ll see how that goes. Not applying to super prestigious schools, a couple of liberal arts colleges maybe and some public schools. We’ll see how it goes, though. Good luck everyone!</p>
<p>Feeling the suspense? </p>
<p>March 29 is coming! :D</p>
<p>geri310, as internationals we don’t really have “a safety” in the US, so at least you applied to schools that are generous when it comes down to FA. :)</p>
<p>Ahhh, only two more weeks! This waiting is literally killing me And senior year in Bulgaria - it’s only making it worse - I’ve never had that much free time in my life! I miss those days when I would sleep only 4 or 5 hours a night and then drink tons of coffee to stay awake and do all the stuff I had to do, at least it was kind of fun
<p>amk933, actually I’m a permanent resident, so there are some colleges that might have given me FA, but… Haha, idk. I have no idea why I didn’t apply to other universities. :D</p>