Any California families willing to share their Davidson experience?

My D is considering Davidson but has lived in California her whole life. Appreciate any families from West Coast sharing their Davidson experience (positive or negative).

My DS is going to be a Freshman. We live in SoCal and know of multiple other families from the area with current students. Everyone that we’ve met absolutely loves the school. DS just got back from the Outdoor Odyssey and had an amazing experience. There are direct flights from both Ontario and LAX; it’s relatively easy to get from the Charlotte airport to campus. The weather (a huge factor for these soft LA kids!) is pretty mild, particularly in comparison to the east coast. Please feel free to reach out directly if I can answer any specific questions.

Thanks so much. I’ve sent you a DM!

We will have two sons at Davidson this Fall, a senior and a freshman. I have been in higher ed for more than 20 years and can honestly say that Davidson is an exemplary institution.

It starts with the people. The students are bright, motivated, ambitious, and, most of all, kind. They are just really good kids. Faculty are rewarded for teaching, not research, which makes a HUGE difference. They care about teaching and want students to connect with them. The new President seems like a great guy who understands the culture and fits perfectly.

Being from CA is not really an issue, as there are non-stop flights from CLT to any city of a decent size in CA.

Simply put, if you are looking for a college filled with bright, engaged students who are taught by excellent instructors in a classic college setting, then Davidson is the place. They don’t do everything perfectly, but I can’t think of another school that does.


Hopefully, Steph Curry is monitoring CC and this thread! :grin:


(I’m very happy to hear that Steph actually completed his requirements at Davidson and graduated in 2022. Great, great role model).

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We have 2 daughters who attended Davidson. One graduated 2 years ago and the other just graduated in May. We live in Denver now, but moved here from Orange County before the first one went off to college. We couldn’t recommend Davidson enough, such an amazing school and both of our daughters had a great experience. Tons of flights from Charlotte to the west, so shouldn’t be any problem getting back and forth. The only complaint we heard was about the humidity (Denver is very dry, just like So-Cal, so our kids had never lived in extreme humid conditions) and allergies, which were off the charts. Our most recent grad will be heading back to California in the fall to attend graduate school at the Stanford School of Medicine and our older one is a west coast coordinator for a national nonprofit based in Boulder, CO.

What sort of allergies?

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General hay fever allergies that one might get from a lot of pollen being in the air.

Since I’m from the Southeast I didn’t want to comment before others.

My kid attends a school in the mid-Atlantic. Between her observations and mine as an adult interacting with families who’ve moved in, the biggest complaint is seasonal allergies (hay fever, etc). Interestingly, my kid who has many pollen and dander allergies has found the mid-Atlantic to be better for her than the South.

So I am an allergist and what happens for many kids from the mid atlantic is that they get bad allergies at school and then again when they get home. It depends on where you are and what your exact allergies are. The tree pollen is slightly different in south than mid atlantic and NE so some people may have a better year or two and then it gets bad again.