any chance at all?

<p>I took the LSAT 3 times. I graduated with a 3.3 GPA and my highest most recent LSAT score was a 142. DO i possibly have a chance to get in anywhere? Are there any probationary programs out there?</p>

<p>No. maybe Cooley. This sounds harsh, but a T-4 (Tier 4) school isn’t even worth going to as the employment prospects are dire. I think you should quit pursuing law.</p>

<p>The question is not whether or not you have a shot at a law school anywhere. The question is do you have a shot at anywhere worth attending. I intend nothing malicious or condescending when I say the answer is likely not. With numbers like that, you’re only going to get into T4 schools, and at that tier, I highly doubt the economic wisdom of investing three years of tuition and lost wages into a career path that will likely not get you the salary or professional advancement you’ll need to pay off the debt and live a reasonable lifestyle. IMHO, there are lots of people out there who are hell-bent on becoming lawyers no matter what school they have to attend, but I think it’s a big mistake for many (if not most) of the students who settle for T4 schools. If it’s really law school or bust for you, then my suggestion would be to work your ass off during 1L, try to achieve the highest grades possible, and transfer to a better school. Otherwise, it’s just not worth it.</p>