any chance at caltech

<p>gpa:4.0 4.25(too low i know)
SATII math2c 800 physics 800 chemistry 760
AP cal AB 5 phy 5,5  chem 5
but the SAT I is a big problem, i'v just come here 6 month ago, and my english is not so well, i even don't know if i can get 650 or higher in vorbal and writing. perhaps i can get 2000-2100.</p>

<p>EC:400 hours community service
   study in a lab for 1 year (analysis chemisty)
   2 years study of college chemistry for the chemistry olympic games</p>

<p>is there any one can help me?
a poor girl with high SATII & AP but low SATI, where's my chance?????</p>