Any chance for a UC

My daughter (11th grade) just got her 2nd SAT test result back and she got 1380 which is the same score as her first time. Her weighted GPA is 4.0 right now and will have 9 AP courses completed by her senior year. She has been a class officer for her grade level for three consecutive years and is a member of a few clubs at school. She has teacher assistant experiences in the past summers.
She has expressed that she will not take the SAT test again. She has two summer camps lined up this coming summer.

She may be choosing statistics major (not definitive) when applying colleges.

Based on the UC calculator, she is among the top 9%. But I am not too sure how realistic it is that she will get into a UC…Please advice! Thank you.

If her 4.0 GPA is capped weighted, then there are a few good UC options.

Here is the UC GPA calculator and all three UC GPA’s will be considered by the schools.

Remember stats alone with not get you into nor rejected from the UC’s. Her EC’s and essays will be taken into consideration.

Below is some UC statistical data to help with her UC list:

2018 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19 capped weighted and not major specific:
UCB: 10%
UCLA: 9%
UCSD: 34%
UCSB: 38%
UCD: 41%
UCI: 38%
UCSC: 70%
UCR: 84%
UCM: 95%

2018 UC capped weighted GPA averages:
UCB: 4.23
UCLA: 4.23
UCSD: 4.16
UCSB: 4.13
UCI: 4.13
UCD: 4.11
UCSC: 3.96
UCR: 3.81
UCM: 3.71

2018 Data:
25th - 75th percentiles for SAT:

UCB: 1360-1540

UCLA: 1340-1540
UCSD: 1300-1520
UCSB: 1270-1500
UCD: 1220-1480
UCI: 1230-1490
UCSC: 1210-1450
UCR: 1130-1380
UCM: 1020-1280

Target schools: UCM/UCR/UCSC
Possible schools: UCI/UCSB/UCD
Reach schools: UCSD/UCB/UCLA

Wow. Thank you so much for the info. I will share it with my daughter.
Do you know what are the popular majors for UCR and UCSC? I know the popular majors mean higher admission requirements, which she probably want to avoid applying.

@doowife: Popular and competitive majors at all the UC’s are Engineering, Computer Science, Biological Sciences, Psychology, Economics with CS/Engineering requiring above average stats for consideration.

UCSC does not admit by major into the University except for Engineering/CS. UCR admits by major but will consider an alternate major if you do not meet the 1st choice major threshold.

Good to know!
Do you know if the admission requirements (statistics data) are higher for 2019 freshman comparing with 2018?

Most likely they will be slightly higher since it has been an upward trend for the last several years. The UC Freshman profiles will be posted on the UC website in August while the admit rates by GPA are usually available end of Jan/Feb next year. Since applications are due Nov 30th, I would use the August Freshman profile data to gauge her chances.

As far as UCs go, she’s got a great shot at UCM/UCR/UCSC,

UCI/UCSB/UCD are a coin toss and the others less likely.

I’d encourage her to consider some CSUs as well. SDSU, as well as Sonoma and Chico offer solid academics and a great 4 year experience.

There are also lots of WUE schools worth looking into in neighboring states that will match CSU tuition or even cheaper. UNR, Co State and Boise State are all very popular with HS grads around here.

here’s the full list of schools

We’d love for her to study Statistics at Cal Poly SOL but I heard it is just as hard to get in as UCI/UCSB. Do you think she has a good chance for SOL?

CP SLO is certainly worth an ap - it is a great place to study. that link will show avg GPA/SAT for freshmen over the last several years. It has come up a lot - so those averages are reasonable targets for next year. Math will be a tough admit. Ag, Food and Environmental Sci had the lowest - finding a major under that umbrella will give her the best shot.

@doowife: SLO Statistics major projection target for this year was 40 spots with an estimated 325 applicants. Since SLO will accept more students than spots, you are looking at around a 37% acceptance rate if their yield is 33%.

Wow! With my daughter’s stats, I don’t think she has a good chance then. Is it a good idea that she applies SOL and not declare a major on her application?

@doowife: I assume SOL is Cal Poly SLO? SLO does not have an undeclared major. She has to select a major and she should select a major that she is willing to pursue for 4 years at SLO. Changing majors has gotten easier, but still changing from a non-competitive to a competitive major can be problematic so she should select her major wisely.

Thank you so much for your information!

With her stats provided on the post, how is her chance if she applies business major or statistics major for San Diego State University?

For the rest of the CSU’s, they admit by Eligibility index and major so (4.0 x800) + (1380)= 4580. She would be competitive for both majors Business and Stats. Based on the averages from 2018, the target EI was around 4400. She would be competitive for all the CSU’s including SLO but no guarantees with the top CSU’s.

I think UCR would be a definite option and they have a well respected Business school and I would still throw in a couple of the other UC’s especially if she is leaning toward Stats such as UCD, UCSC, UCI and UCSB. You just never know how things will pan out so best to apply widely for more options.

@doowife you really should calculate out the 3 UC GPAs as mentioned in #1 and post. A 4.00 weighted is misleading, it could mean a 3.00 unweighted anywhere up to a 4.00 unweighted.

Her unweighted GPA from 10-11 grades is 3.82.

What is her capped weighted UC GPA and fully weighted UC GPA? These 2 GPA’s will be the most important for the UC’s.

Also the Capped Weighted UC GPA= CSU capped weighted GPA

Her fully weighted UC GPA is 4.08 and capped UC GPA is 4.00. Her unweighted GPA is 3.82. Her SAT is 1380 and superscore is 1400.

Sorry for not providing the full facts since this is all new to me. Would she be a competitive applicant for UCR, Cal Poly SLO and SDSU next year if she is going to apply for a business major or Statistics major?