Any chance for Madison?

<p>I'm a junior. I have no idea where I can hit, but as far as I know I think Madison could be my safety, but I have no idea if thats too high or too low... Any chance I would get in?</p>

<p>GPA: 3.75 (unweighted) - freshman, sophomore combined
I take the IB diploma now so I don't have GPA... but I will get a predicted grade out of 42 soon next semester!</p>

<p>The IB courses I take:</p>

<p>English A1 HL
Math HL
Biology HL
Chinese B SL
Economics SL
Drama SL</p>

<p>SAT 1: 2080 (CR: 630, M: 770, W: 680 [best essay was 11/12]) - definitely going to improve...
SAT 2: Math 1 - 710, Math 2 - 700 (MUST improve), will take Biology M</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars:
-Basketball - Freshman (2 years), Junior Varsity (2 years), Varsity (3 years)
-Soccer - Freshman (2 years), Junior Varsity (1 year), Varsity (1 year)
-Cross Country (2 years)
-Track and Field (2 years)
-Model United Nations (2 years - 4 conferences)
-Choir (2 years)</p>

<p>Summer Activities:
-Center for Talented Youth (3 years)
-Stanford Forensic National Institute (1 year)
-Dale Carnegie Training - TA (1 year - twice)</p>

<p>Leadership Roles:
-Varsity Basketball Co-captain
-Choir Bass section leader
-Model United Nations school ambassador</p>

-Basketball - 3 time MVP, 3 time All-Tournament Team, 4 championships (4 runner-ups, 1 third place [we've placed in every tournament we've played]
-Track and Field - various awards eg. sprints, shot put, discus</p>

<p>Does UW accept IB?</p>

<p>If you applied you’d definitely have a terrific chance at getting in, but I wouldn’t rely on UW as a safety school. It’s uncommon but Madison does reject people with terrific stats, activities and otherwise. Your safety school should be one that there’s zero chance of rejection (usually a non-flagship, public branch school).</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure Madison accepts IB, though that’s something you can find pretty quickly by googling it or through looking on the admissions site.</p>

<p>Thank you badger2012! By the way, how would you know? Do you go to UW?</p>

<p>I do indeed=)</p>

<p>Btw, if you didn’t google itself yourself already, I did since I was curious:</p>

<p>[Advanced</a> Credit - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“]Advanced”></p>

<p>Yeah I did look it up!</p>

<p>So what do you major in? And stats? I’m considering schools on the lines of NYU and Georgetown, if I can even better - possibly Ivies.</p>

<p>I’m a history major, though I was a Comp Sci major at one point and might be again, but that’s another story xD. My stats don’t really count because I’m a transfer student (who slacked off in high school and then got it together at my previous college).</p>

<p>Good luck in your applications! Don’t forget about UW though which is a great school, especially if you are considering a science related major. UW is a top 10 school in the nation in science.</p>