Any chance?

<p>I havent heard back yet. Do I have a chance for admission?
3.75 gpa
28 act / 1270 math and reading
10 AP classes
Extracurriculars : robotics fbla beta club</p>

<p>Class rank 97/415</p>

<p>You were only 30 points off with your SAT to have academic admit so I think you do have a good chance. It really depends on when you applied and what major, if you applied for business or engineering you may be out of luck this late in the game.</p>

<p>I had stats similar to yours and i got blinn team, you’ll probably get it too. sorry if that’s not what you want to hear</p>

<p>1230 sat
3.53 GPA
Eagle Scout
1st quarter rank</p>

<p>but let me know what you end up getting :)</p>

<p>Can you rank me?</p>

<p>My composite SAT was 1200, 3.45/4.0 GPA, 15% of a class about 650, varsity sports, more than 130 service hours, vice president at my LULAC council.</p>

<p>also my majors are chemistry, and physics</p>

<p>Also I am hispanic… if that helps any.</p>

<p>Oh, I forgot to mention when I got my letter cause i made it sound like that happened years ago. No, I just got my letter indicating I got Blinn TEAM on Thursday March 1, 2012. So, sorry but I’m guessing they don’t even have spots open for general studies, otherwise they probably would’ve given me that. Hope to still see you guys at CS this fall. At first I was really disappointed but now I’m not because I still get the amenities of being a tamu student (on-campus housing, rec center, sports pass) and Blinn classes are cheaper, smaller, and easier to get my basics out of the way.</p>