Any clever ideas for a Latin t-shirt?

<p>Anyone have any clever ideas for a Latin club t-shirt?</p>

<p>The two slogans posted in my Latin teacher's room are "Semper ubi sub ubi" and some thing in Latin that means "If you can read this you're too smart" (I can't remember it and I refuse to translate during summer :)).</p>

<p>Always wear under ware!!</p>

<p>our latin club got sweatshirts and on the back they said "only stupid people laugh at latin" or something along those lines, but in latin.</p>

<p>How about "The only good a dead language".</p>

<p>Haha cheesy I know.</p>

<p>semper ubi sub ubi. - always wear underwear.</p>

<p>striatus infan. - groovy, baby. (essentially)</p>

<p>feel free to use those. i don't know that much...i take spanish.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Cute, eh?</p>

<p>"The only good a dead language". = Mortua lingua sola est bona.</p>

<p>Ubi sub ubi is actually very bad Latin. It doesn't say "wear underwear". It says "where under where", which is basically nonsense.</p>

<p>What does Lorem Ipsum mean...I'm only going into Latin 2 H next year.</p>

<p>Oh it just means nonsense. Webdesigners use it whenever they want to display empty layouts or whenever you want to show something that needs text. Its filler text. It usually starts out "Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit . . ." Which is the beginning of an old psuedo-Latin passage. There is no actual Latin word for Lorem. I think its just part of a Latin word. And does consectetur look familiar? Its a very obscure Latin word.</p>

<p>Ispum means "itself". Lorem is not a Latin word. For Lorem Ipsum see:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>How about this for your shirts:</p>

<p>"Spatium...ultima confinia....
Haec sunt itinera astranavis Incepti.
Huic missio quinque annorum: explorare mundos alienos novos,
petere vitam novam novosque cultus,
ire fortiter quo nemo iverit ante."</p>

<p>What does that mean? If it sparks any ideas..our school is 3 time state latin we are practically a dynasty.</p>

<p>I'll give you a hint. The first line reads:</p>

<p>"Space...the final frontier...."</p>

<p>Lol sorry I don't know where you are going with that..</p>

<p>Ever watch Star Trek?</p>

<p>you could always rip off the "got milk" thing, except of course have the shirt say "got latin?" in latin...if you can even say "got latin?" in latin.</p>

<p>"if you can read this, you're either dead...</p>

<p>on the back</p>

<p>... or one of us"</p>

<p>I'd just put, "Hey, Jim... that guy in the toga looks pretty confused. You should stop and give him directions," on the front, and on the back, "Latin Club: Helping lost Romans since 1999".</p>

<p>Ventis secundis, tene cursum.
Go with the flow. </p>

<p>Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>