Any college for not-so-able Liberal Arts students?

<p>There is a young friend, whom I shall not name, that I know back in Singapore who is of South Asian descent, who apparently is interested in both Economics and Politics.</p>

<p>I do not get quite close to him, so these are the best I can find...</p>

<p>However, I do not find him especially particularly 'gifted' in these areas, in academic areas. His SATs are around 1900 and he refuses to give me the breakdown. He has no plans to take the SAT Subject Tests and ACTs. Singapore uses no GPA or class rank system.</p>

<p>He is interested in pursuing studies in the United States, though.</p>

<p>He debates for his school, he joins every seminar of Economics and Politics he can think of, and he interns for his Member of Parliament (our government's legislative representative). He has done extra-curriculars that demonstrates (but not to the 'wow' extent) that he can definitely do both majors.</p>

<p>So where do you think he can go to (in the United States)?</p>


<p>Also, assuming he knows the benefits of taking ACTs and Subject Tests, and gets something like 30 in ACT, 600+ in 2 or 3 SAT subject tests... (Which are the usual scores for ordinary Singapore students, given our 'focused' and 'intensive' private prep classes) How will he fare?</p>

<p>It’s nice of you to try to help your friend, but there is not enough information here for us to help. In general, if he needs a lot of financial aid, he will need very strong grades and test scores to get into a school here with a scholarship. His current test score isn’t strong, although without the breakdown, it’s hard to tell if this is merely a language barrier (easily overcome) or just general average performance.</p>

<p>He would be better off joining the forum and presenting his situation for himself.</p>

<p>There are about 5,000 accredited colleges in USA, of those maybe 500 will fit your friend’s situation. Without stats and wish lists from your friend, it is impossible to make any sound suggestions. As M said, we think your friend should be here to present him/herself.</p>

<p>Ok thanks.</p>