Any college that doesn’t require an instrument audition for composition

Hello I am a high school grad taking a year off to polish my musical skills.The thing is I started music performance fairly late and I am not confortable playing violin for an audition cause I know I’m not ready.
I am interested in film scoring and i am well versed in music theory and orchestration which makes me think why is it necessary to audition with a instrument if I plan to compose.
Anyway does anybody know if there’s a college that doesn’t requiere a instrument audition for its composition program
Thank you

There are plenty of BM and BA programs that don’t require instrumental auditions. My composer kid refused to apply to any school that did require one, on principle, and had plenty of schools to apply to.

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Hi thank you for your answer,I’m sorry if it’s too much to ask but could you share some of these schools.I am currrently searching but almost all of them requiere an audition with selected instrument
Thank you.

I’ll PM you.