<p>So I'm interested in taking EE 114, a class on algorithms. but i cant complete all the formal requirements in time (EE 12, 20, and 40). but looking over the various classes, there seems to be a lot of overlap in terms of topics covered, but using different languages. (python, C, java).</p>
<p>I was wondering if anyone (particularly comp engrs as they would have taken all these classes) would be more familiar with these classes. how possible do you think it would be to skip either ee 20 or 40? </p>
<p>i have some experience with C already. looking at the eecs 20 website/midterms, the main areas i would be deficient in are the lower levels of programming (assembly and how the program is running on the stack). I'm also not as familiar with the object oriented programming presented in ee 40. </p>
<p>i imagine the class on algorithms (the main class i want to take) would require both a working knowledge of low level computing and object oriented. however, ee 20 is a freshmen level class/seems to spend about 2-3 weeks covering assembly, etc so maybe that wuold be easier to learn on my own and getting a good grounding with OOP in ee 40. any input?</p>
<p>Oh man, a Computer Engineer! I’m a freshman Computer Engineer as well! :)</p>
<p>But therefore I don’t know too much about how this stuff works, but my guess would be that you can’t skip any classes that are part of our curriculum.</p>
<p>I’m a senior CpE right now and I was just curious why you want to take EECS114 before taking all lower division classes??</p>
<p>The reason why EECS20 & 40 are prereqs is because you learn the fundamentals of sort algorithms in eecs20 and java programing in 40 which later goes into more detail with EECS114. So I wouldn’t recommend going out of order… I actually was behind and needed to take EECS20 and 40 at the same time spring quarter in order to be able to take 114 the following Fall… it was quite difficult learning C and Java at the same time >.< </p>
<p>Any way if you are super interested in learning more about algorithms I was recommend just auditing the class for now. Also in terms of EECS114, the class doesn’t really involve much applications to hardware/computer architecture like EECS20. It is more of a Software Engineering class where you learn how to program more efficiently and how you determine the efficiency of different sorts.</p>