Any consequences of failing to get IB diploma?

<p>Hey, so I'm a current diploma candidate (senior) who's worried about possibly not getting the diploma (combination of things like exam scores, CAS, EE, etc.). Has anyone ever heard of colleges rescinding admittance b/c of a diploma candidate not completing their track?</p>

<p>Never heard of that happening, but I would be careful about changing from
IB diploma to certificate while applying to colleges- it is an indicator of not taking the most rigorous curriculum that your school has to offer.</p>

<p>The actual outcome of whether or not you get the diploma is not known until after you get accepted. As long as you are doing CAS, EE, and TOK, you are still officially a diploma student and are taking the most rigorous courseload, so it should not be a problem. Just keep up your grades up, and your admission will not be rescinded.</p>

<p>Good to know–thanks for the responses! </p>

<p>Yeah, I’ll be graduating in about a month, and I’m hoping to still get the diploma. I was just wondering if anyone’s ever been called in the middle of the summer and told that they couldn’t attend the college because they didn’t get the diploma. Sounds silly, I know, but it doesn’t hurt to ask</p>

<p>I don’t think so… you just don’t get the college credits and will probably have to retake certain exams or get your EE/TOK essay reviewed (for extra money) so that you can get those college credits.</p>

<p>Oh, and this is something that the IB coordinator at my school said. You’ll have to come back and retake those exams (which you didn’t pass) in the fall. If you get your EE or TOK essay reviewed again, it usually doesn’t change… you can still do it though.</p>