<p>My name is Zack and right now a 3rd year student at Drexel from NJ. I got to this board from google and thought I'd make myself available for anyone who has any questions. I can answer any questions about academics, housing, student life, parties, location, co-ops, or the real pros and cons vs drexel and another school you may be interested in, etc. I remember it was just a few years ago where I was going around to colleges and it can get to be stressful. At any university, you usually get a skewed answer from the "student ambassadors" who are trained to say certain things to promote the college. Feel free to post here or shoot me a message.</p>
<p>Thanks Zack-
Is there a difference between the freshmen dorms? Is the dorm for the honors division worth the extra expense? My son was just accepted for architecture.</p>
<p>Yeah I’m also curious if honors makes a difference in the experience at Drexel? Also, do they give out a lot of financial aid?</p>
<p>Surely there is a differene in the freshmen dorms I will lay them out here:</p>
<li>Towers: this is the dorm I was in and the dorm that they give tours to anyone visiting. For two people the rooms are big. Girls and guys are on alternating floors. Personally I had a great time in the dorm, if you get a couple great guys on your floors you’ll have a lot of fun pulling practical jokes to other floors and hanging out. The community kitchen in Towers on every floor is also huge. and so is the community bathroom. Towers can go either way, you can have an absolute great time on your floor, however you might occasionally end up with a floor that doesn’t hang out with each other. </li>
<li>Calhoun: small kitchens, smaller double rooms than Towers, less floors, boys at one side of the hall, girls on the other side of the hall. It seems that most people I speak to at Calhoun likes it a lot. community kitchens are very small.</li>
<li>Myers: i can describe myers as cozy and more like a house feel. Its a huge dorm with only 3 floors (i used to always get lost in there when I was visiting friends). There are girls and guys in different sections and usually it seems like kids really bond at myers. Myers includes the Business learning community (a section of myers with all business kids), and a few other learning communities which could be a benefit if you want. Myers has a lot of lounges all over the place which makes it a fun hang out spot and your always running into people you know.</li>
<li>Kelly: this used to be the worst and crappiest hall until it went under major renovations about a year ago. Ever since they redid the interior its pretty nice. It used to be pretty cool because the guy and girls floors connected through a common area, however I think they took this away to create “temporary rooms”. the temp rooms in the common area are probably the crappiest on campus since its a bunch of beds they just put in there. It seems like guys like Kelly as its a close knit community. One of the best things about Kelly is its connected to the “Kelly Deli”. This is basically a small 7-11 store that you can use your dining dollars on. Its a huge convienence because if your hungry you just go downstairs and buy something that just came off the grille instead of taking a hike to the dining hall. community kitchens are very small.</li>
<li>Van R - This is the oldest dorm at drexel, but its classy and the interior is nice. It is beautiful and has a grand ballroom on the first floor as well as a sky lounge on the top floor, but I would’t recommend living there. Its the farthest away from classes on campus and the farthest away from the dining hall. drexel has taken steps to make it easier since theres a place called “Ross Commons” a really nice eating place next door where you can use your dining hall meals there instead. The suite common area is very small and theres not much space to move around.</li>
<li>Race St Dorm - Race St is the honors dorm and the newest dorm. Personally I hate everything about it. Its very ugly on the outside. It has a tiny little gym on one floor. Like van R The suite common area is very small and theres not much space to move around. Interestingly though, there big community kitchen on each floor even though you get your own mini kitchen in your suite.</li>
<p>*The thing about Race St and Van R or any suite is there is no community bathrooms. The thought may be bad or weird to you but when you get used to it, its not that bad. Race St. (honors housing) and Van R cost more than all the other dorms. I always tell new freshmen its not worth it. Sure a lot of people love Race St. but its not the “original” college experience which I think everyone should have freshman year. Its a lot harder to interact with other people or make friends if your always in your suite. There is much less floor bonding.</p>
<p>*Here is probably the greatest advice you will get:
Unlike almost all colleges, you can choose what dorm you end up in. (drexel can’t say this officially but its true) Believe it or not, the process is NOT random. I wanted Towers coming into Drexel and I got it. Most kids don’t know about this at all coming in. They place people into the dorms based on THE DATE YOU APPLY FOR HOUSING. Once you know your coming to drexel there will be a starting date where you apply for housing (I think its something like may 1 but check when it opens). The day the housing application opens, do the application and pay the deposit. You’ll be able to order what housing you want first and since its based on who submits it first you’ll get your first chioce. 95% of the kids usually wait before the application closes before they submit their housing preference.
This is how I ordered my dorms a few years ago:
- Towers
- Calhoun
- Myers
- Kelly
- Van R</p>
<p>I hope this helps,</p>
<p>Thanks so much, that was very helpful. I’ve always said I wanted suit style dorms, but after hearing many opinions, i’m starting to rethink that. Another question for you… are Eagles games HUGE events up there? I’m a huge fan and that would make me wanna come even more if i knew there was a big Eagles fan base.</p>
<p>yes Eagles and Phillies are huge. myself being from nj I’m a ny giants so sometimes it doesn’t work out but i’ve actually been to an eagles game last year vs the giants and i’m going to the eagles vs cowboys game with a student group in a few weeks. i’ve also been to countless phillies games. when the phillies won, it seems like all of drexel came out and went crazy on the streets. some student groups even have fundraising deals the eagles to work a concession stand for yoru student group and see a game. So your answer, I can’t think of any college that would beat Drexel by having a bigger eagles fanbase. i also know of a few drexel students that are eagles cheerleaders.</p>
<p>To answer your orignal question about honors, I am not in the honors college. I really think the honors college really means nothing. it doesnt make you “selective” and putting it on your resume really doesnt mean anything. the only perks i can think of being in the honors college are you get to register for classes before regular students (which is a big advantage), you get access to an honors lounge which is no different than all the rooms open in the library except you get free printing, and they throw special events from time to time (eg: a fancy luncheon). You are in all the same classes as non-honors students, except to graduate “honors” you usually have to write an extra paper for the class or something like that.</p>
<p>That being said, if you get in the honors college thats great for you and there are obviously a few perks, but if you don’t it really doesn’t matter at all and it won’t affect your experience or limit what you can do in college.</p>
<p>I was wondering how student life and the parties were? and how do you like the quarter system rather than semesters?</p>
<p>I was also wondering what do you thing of the quarter system instead of the semester system? Also, I am looking at drexel, villanova, and maybe temple- could you compare those three schools for me please?</p>
<p>I saw in another post of yours that you’re doing NROTC. I was awarded the NROTC to the Penn unit. It’ll be awhile before I know if I’m going to Penn or Drexel but can you give me some details on what it is like.</p>
<p>All great questions</p>
I believe student life is great. I am really into it and there are hundreds of clubs and that list gets bigger every year. You can actually create any club you want and get funding for it. I think its pretty cool because at Drexel the students are in charge of student life. For example, the organization that appropriates funds to different student org is run by students. The Campus Activities Board which sponsors big events every year (eg: the big spring fling concert, big comedy show, and different events) is all run and put on by students). This year we are having a big Homecoming weekend and a student I know who is very active at Drexel is taking the lead and actually organizing the event which probably costs $50,000+ to put on and includes a few apparently famous singers or something like that. There is a big fraternity/sorority presence, but not as big as other colleges I know of. Drexel is also huge with rec sports. eg: you can create a volleyball, flag football team etc with a bunch of friends and then play games against other groups in a league all with official refs. i have tons of friends that do this and love it. There are so many opportunities at Drexel when it comes to activities, clubs, sports, greek life, etc so I really encourage everyone to get involved in at least one thing. There are a bunch of people who don’t like Drexel freshman year and they either transfer or drop out. Most of these people have one thing in common and that is that they aren’t involved in student life.</p>
you’ll be able to find parties at Drexel. most of them are going to be house parties a few blocks North or West where most of the upperclass students live. usually guys pay $5 to get in and girls get in free. usually the crappy parties are a keg in a muddy basement. there are good ones occasionally. Drexel is no state school but it will do. Once you turn 21 you’ll find Philly has an amazing nightlife and bar scene and it will make all the parties you went to freshmen year look lame. there will also always be the dorm room or suite parties that are much smaller and just with friends. I usually go across the street to Penn frat parties. I’ve never paid any money to go to a penn party ever and usually their parties are a lot classier. Temple parties are similar to Drexels but a lot more ghetto, and girls have to pay to get into Temple parties. Villanova parties are all dorm parties where you end up paying $20 and then the RA busts you at the end of the night - pretty lame but there are some attractive girls there.</p>
all of these are good schools and have many friends that go to each of these schools. (see the above party comparison i wrote). One disadvantage of Villanova is its not in the city and its a ***** to take the train to the city and the train doesnt run at night. With Villanova everything is on their campus. its not to say you won’t like it but its just not my style. Seems like everyone at temple likes it. Contrary to popular belief Temple’s campus is very nice and they have a great student center. Penn is right next to Drexel and has a beautiful campus- i go running through their campus all the time. even though its ivy league, drexel actually has a much better and rigorous engineering program than penn. I’ve known students to transfer to drexel from penn because their engineering program was a joke. </p>
its really no big deal once you get used to it. i am used to it and think all colleges should be on a quarter system. The classes are 11 weeks long which have advantages and disadvantages. Apparently the content in classes are squeezed together more which means you have less time to learn more stuff. I can’t compare this to another college since i haven’t taken classes at another college. I like the fact that classes are brief and to the point. I know I won’t be stuck taking a class that I don’t like for 5 months long and having to study for finals over spring break. Obviously quarters mean you have more opportunities to take more electives in your degree which will make you a more well-rounded student in the end. Drexel is a open year-round. Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer there will be classes. This works out great since you can take a free night class during co-op and you can basically modify your academic schedule based on what you want to do… a lot more flexibility. I hope this answered your question and sorry for any vagueness. </p>
<p>Feel free to follow up if I wasn’t being clear about anything or you want to more about the specifics of something.</p>
<p>hi nate, i’ll answer your ROTC questions on a different thread that i’ll start to make things easier. look for it there</p>
<p>Zack- do you know how the architecture program is thought of by Drexel students? Is it considered a competitive program, or is it easy to get admitted?</p>
<p>what can you tell me about drexel business program compared to nova’s?</p>
<p>I turned in my app yesterday. So when should I get a decision? Also what is the average gpa for Drexel?</p>
<p>Architecture is considered a VERY competitive program. I think only a few kids get in a year, I know one of them and he is always working, haha. </p>
<p>Btw, I live in Race Street and I can honestly say it depends on what floor you live on. Currently, the first two floors of race are occupied by non-honors students, and the top floor is upperclassmen. Some floors of Race are very social–people leave their door open, there’s interaction. Then there are floors that…are lacking. It’s very hit or miss. One thing that most of my friends in other dorms say is that they wish they had a bathroom in our room, and having a common area to hang out in is convenient. However, yeah, the bedrooms are kind of cramped. It’s nice inside though. </p>
<p>I like being in the Honors program, and I think there’s a lot more opportunity as an honors student and more people you can turn to if you need assistance of any kind. I also think admissions wise, honors is a level above the rest of Drexel.</p>
<p>Also, party wise, from what I’ve heard freshman year you go to house parties. Most of them aren’t anything to brag about. Most of the people I know who go to good parties are in clubs/etc. and are invited by the upperclassmen they meet. Then sophomore year and up you usually have smaller gatherings, and throw house parties to earn money.</p>
<p>There is a lot to say about Drexel’s business program. Villanova has a solid business school and so does Drexel’s. There are specific concentrations in the business college that Drexel beats Villanova hands down - for instance entrpreneurship, operations management, and the business and engineering (technical based business) major. I believe Drexel has a much more active set of business student organizations as well. </p>
<p>Drexel’s biggest advantage is in its co-op program and this leads to higher salaries coming out of school, especially in the 5-year program. Drexel students get to work at real 6 month jobs at prestigious companies that nobody else at any other school would be able to get. On my first co-op I worked for one of the big four accounting firms and got to travel around the United States consulting and at client sites. I definitely wouldn’t have had that opportunity at another college with a much shorter internship and the placement would have probably been nearly impossible.</p>
<p>If you told me exactly what you were looking for, what concentration you wanted to go into, or where you see yourself after college I could give you a little better response. Its a lot about your preference. Go to each website, look at each curriculum, and visit each campus, speak to the students and professors, and see which program you like more.</p>
<p>greensticky: what are the typical stats for an honor student? thanks.</p>
<p>boston<em>man</em>2009: Maybe a month, that is how much I waited.</p>
<p>I got waitlisted, any ideas for when I will find out?</p>
<p>Zack, </p>
<p>Do you know what % of students are in frats/sors? I looked on college board but it’s not there. Also are frats what the social scene revolve around?</p>
<p>Another question: Anyone know anything about the international relations/political science majors? What kind of co-ops would go with them?</p>