<p>Does anyone know any easy upper division classes (2 units or 4 units) that we only need to attend classes or we can have take home final (may be take home essay)?</p>
<p>Does anyone know any easy upper division classes (2 units or 4 units) that we only need to attend classes or we can have take home final (may be take home essay)?</p>
<p>I love the direction the education of our youth is headed.</p>
<p>i think the education’s fine, it’s our youth i’m worried about …</p>
<p>I heard CSE 110 and CSE 100 are pretty easy. Try it You learn about tree, branches and leaves in CSE 100. It’s pretty fun. You get to draw tree, look at it, and see it grow
Best of all, you get to make it afterward.</p>
<p>Poli 113A. Take home midterm, final, & he podcasts.</p>
<p>ling 176, really really interesting but also easy. offered fall only i think (now)</p>