Any engineering students? Advice please

<p>MikeW: Your D sounds so cute. I hope the CC kids all meet each other at Bama. </p>

<p>Montegut: Thank you for the info on Dawn Williams. I hope my D is able to get her for Calc 2. I hope my D can get the classes she needs and hopefully not at 8am. That wouldn’t be ideal ;)</p>

<p>The Classics and Western Culture course sounds great. My D loves reading Dante, Shakespeare, Mythology, etc. She is also looking at the Classics in Film course with T. Summers.</p>

<p>^^^Dawn Williams teaches physics. Sorry I confused you! Son will have 8 am class next year. He wanted that teacher, so he’s making the time sacrifice. No worries. He’s up every day at 5 am, so he’ll be fine with it.</p>

<p>What is the Classics in Film class you’re speaking of? My son loves movies, and that sounds like a class he’d be interested in. Let us know how it goes. Maybe he’ll be able to fit it into his schedule one semester. As a mech engineering major in CBH, he doesn’t have too much flexibility, but he’ll eventually have to take one more humanities class before he graduates. </p>

<p>If your daughter likes mythology, there is a mythology class, I think under the classics department, that fulfills a humanities requirement, if she can fit that in or wants to put that as an alternate when she goes in to register.</p>