<p>ok I have a question since some of you have expertise in SPED
which would be appropriate an IEP or 504?
this is the letter I wrote to the head of special ed dept at my daughter school, after the school psychologist advised me that an IEP eval was not appropriate ( but I am still unsure)</p>
I would like your opinion on what would be appropriate for my 10th gd daughter -------------.
She had an IEP from 3rd to 7th-8th gd while she was at -----school for specific learning disabilty. ( what I understood was mainly because of anxiety and difficulty with math)</p>
<p>However, because she was not making any progress in her IEP and from what I observed during her resource time- wasn't even addressing her IEP, I had her removed from SPED and requested a 504 as I was advised it was easier to enforce that. However- the only reason that I had her removed from SPED at ---school was because the resource class was a waste of time for her, not because I thought that her learning disabilties had miraculously been "healed".
( school did not write a 504 plan for daughter)</p>
<p>At ----high school , her freshman year last year, she was enrolled in ACE, the program headed by head of math dpt- and english teacher, daughter made great progress with the assistance of that class, and was able to finish INT 1A in math spring semester, although she had begun the year with .05INT A. ( However this has put her off track- so that her current math class is after school, reducing available time for tutoring in other classes).</p>
<p>While ---duaghter had a strong year last year, this year she is getting Ds & Fs in many assignments & tests in her classes, despite spending a great deal more time on homework.
To prevent this, I had requested a 504 plan last year, but because her semester grades were strong, ( the school psych & school counselor) felt it was unneccesary.</p>
<p>I am determined to get her the help she needs this year, and while I would like to request an evaluation to determine which would be more appropriate for her, an IEP or a 504, I have been told they are two totally different things, and to go down the road of an IEP is inappropriate given her good grades last year.</p>
<p>I think her past history and her current grades this year should be considered as well, as many of the underlying issues have never been totatlly addressed, and I really want her to have the help that she needs.