Any fellow non-Christians?

<p>Just wondering how many non-Christians there are out there who are still considering Loyola despite its Jesuit values. I know I'm not alone! </p>

<p>To those who are in a position like mine, are you at all apprehensive about enrolling at a religious institution?</p>

<p>And to those who already attend, how strong is the religious theme on campus or in everyday life? Should I be worried? :P</p>

<p>WOOOOOOOOOOO I was accepted today via text message. I’m an atheist and I’m definitely considering attending LUC. The only thing I’m worried about, considering their religious values, is that I say “Jesus” every time I get annoyed, so I may end up offending someone.</p>

<p>meeee haha atheist as well. either way its not a very religious school, jesuit is more of a moral code than anything</p>

<p>I think being Jesuit is two things at Loyola. 1.A moral code that they try to show on campus (with varied degrees of success) and 2. Something you can be involved in at whatever level you want. Even ministry on campus is very ecumenical. Because many ppl are Catholic, the cool thing is that they’re very open about discussion. I feel like we talk about religion more @ Loyola than most schools where there is a strong anti-religion sentiment. I was raised Protestant and I wouldn’t trade going to a Jesuit school for anything in the world.</p>