Any girls still looking for a roommate??

<p>Hey! I'm Maggie and I'm from Canada and majoring in Biology. I've been posting on the Class of 2017 facebook group but haven't found a roomie yet, so I thought I'd come here and give it a shot :p</p>

<p>Next year I plan on having a lot of fun (going out to the beach, parties, and all the sporting events) but I also want to keep up good grades. I'm also clean, polite, laid back, and just a pretty regular person haha. I hope to find someone who is also quite chill and planning on having a great time next year!!</p>

<p>Heres a link to my facebook too
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Give me a shout!!</p>

<p>Hey! I still don’t have a roommate either! I’m Charlotte from Florida, and I’m majoring in biochemistry… I</p>

<p>woah sorry it cut me off! my facebook is
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;