<p>Did anyone have crazy proctors, annoying fellow test takers, or any other tales worth telling from the SAT?</p>
<p>Mine's nothing too fascinating, but my proctor only gave us one break and that was after section two. I'm pretty sure I remember there being more than that when I've taken it before.
Also, she kept going into these loooong coughing fits...fun.</p>
<p>Oh and we had this tiny seventh grade guy who didn't end up in the "special" rooms reserved for the younger ones and finished first on every section.</p>
<p>this one girl came to my sat sat next to me, and looked through her bag. she ha dnothing and asked teh kid behind me for a PUHN cil. lol, so unprepared. than 5 min later an anouncement went on calling for “anyone who parked a car in teh football field please move” and she said oops and ran out.</p>
<p>So I put all my answers for section 7 in section 8 (which was writing into reading) and I only realized at the end of the section when the proctor said “everyone now turn to section 8” and I was like crap. So everyone else started the reading section and I was having a heart attack and I had to copy over all my answer choices inot section 7’s space and then erase all my answers that I put into section 8 so I could do the reading. I wound up wasting like half the time on this which really sucked because I needed that time so badly. (Last reading section kills my brain.) I think I did alright but it was frustrating because I was so happy about the other two reading sections and I was on a roll and then boom this happens. I hope it didn’t mess me up too badly.
It completely ruined my positive attitude and for the sections afterward I couldn’t stop thinking about it. SO ANNOYING</p>
<p>Well during the ACT, I know I’m in the wrong area, one of the proctors tried to start a conversation with me over a band-aid I had on my finger.</p>
<p>Proct: (during the Reading section) What’s the band-aid for?
Me: Cut. (Back to work)
P: Oooh, looks like it must have hurt. You cut it with a knife?
Me: Yeah
P: Wow, that must be tough.
Me: Yes, but excuse me, I have a test to be taking</p>
<p>I have an interesting story. We were 10 minutes into the test and our proctor is writing the time left on the board. Suddenly, I see the kid to the right of me bend down. From the corner of my eye, I see him touch the on key to his graphing calculator. Throughout the essay I saw him peering down now and then (or that is what I believed I saw). I was thinking about confronting him and asking him what was on there, because none of us knew the prompt anyways.</p>
<p>my friend was taking the subject test for history but he had to go do # 3. halfway during the test, he just stoop up and left. now you might think that he went to the school bathroom but no, he went to his car and drove straight home. he cant do his thing outside of home he told me. LOL. lol he came back later after he was finished and canceled his score. hahahah</p>
<p>We went out for a 5 minute break. This other kid and I started talking about the whole HS experience and how IB/AP is quite evil. We come back in late and the rest of the class had already started the next section, but thankfully I was able to finish anyway. Moral of the story: when in doubt, come back into the classroom early.</p>
<p>ya so i was doing really well in math and then we came to the final math section with 16 questions. I did not know there was 16 questions, i thought there were only 11. So i turn the page to go to the next section, and i realized i missed a page. I managed to answer one of those questions and the proctor says you may begin. So I went from a 750 to like a 680</p>
<p>rofl, i had a reall nice, lenient proctor.
she didn’t alternate the 2 diff type of test, so the whole row in my area are the same test,whereas the past proctors i had had alternated the tests,so cheating could be avoided. lol.
anyway after a 5 min break,i saw this guy finishing up his math portion while the proctor examines the IDs as ppl come in, and this another guy started his section before the proctor say begin, and she caught him. ■■■■■ i stared at her eyes,and her eyes on his. ROFL. for like 5 sec, but then she didn’t do anything, she let him go
lol… and she didn’t even walk around to see if we’re on the right sections; she just does her own work for the whole time, so there was loads of oppurtunity of cheating.</p>
<p>@seg09 - did it mess you up at all? did you need to get it hand graded?</p>
<p>Also, my proctor was texting for a whole section and the sound was on so every button she pressed would go beep beep beep… I was like wth do you think you’re doing we’re taking a test here.</p>
<p>During every break these two girls would come up to me and be like “What did you get for the last five answers?” And I’m like “I don’t know” So then they would ask specific questions and it was completely obvious that they were trying to cheat from me so I’m like “get the eff away I’m not an idiot.” They were pretty annoying. They did this to me the first two times I took the SAT too.</p>