Any health freaks care to comment? - STD Concerns


<p>Here's the thing, over break, i had a threesome with two chicks. Intercourse was protected, while oral not. The problem is that I have been getting rashes on my thighs and butt. Like a few bumps/pimples. This is very unusual for me. But then the problem is that it did not begin occuring until two weeks later and about a week after changing soaps, olay body wash to old spice. Of course, the old spice body wash is much stronger(acidity) than olay. But should I be concerned?</p>

<p>There's no blisters/pimples on my ***** and scrotum. So I think i'm on the safe side, right?</p>

<p>All in all, i want to see a doctor but its kind of embarrassing, so i'm posting on an online forum.... i hope no one knows me. rofls.</p>

<p>Anyone care to comment?</p>

<p>You have aids</p>

<p>You’re going to die.</p>

<p>Was it fun?</p>

<p>I always though Nick Lachey was singing “You can have my STDs.”</p>

<p>So you’re asking a bunch of teens for help rather than a doctor? Reeeeeeeeeal smart:P</p>

<p>Alrite, I am going to assume this is a serious thread and give you a serious answer. </p>

<p>First of all, you do not have HIV. Oral sex can not transmit HIV. Protected intercourse can not transfer HIV either. Studies have consistently shown that oral sex carry an unrealistic chance of transmitting HIV. </p>

<p>However, oral sex can transmit the following STDs, </p>


<p>You should get tested at your school’s health center for free and keep in mind that Syphilis has a 3 month window period and HIV has a window period of 3 months too.</p>

<p>In your case, you would be considered “high risk” due the nature of the sex. Generally, vaginal intercourse with more than 1 partner is considered “high risk”, which means you should get tested. </p>

<p>An adult with a healthy sexual life should get tested for all known STDs and HIV every year. </p>

<p>Good Luck.</p>

<p>^nope, it’s definitely AIDS</p>

<p>The solution is obvious. Switch back from old spice to olay body wash. If the sores continue after a while, go see a doctor.</p>

<p>If you die, will you make me the sole beneficiary of your estate?</p>



<p>Someone here should be a scientist.</p>

<p>As for the OP, are you seriously asking people on cc about STDs? Most people here are probably virgins… Or maybe you’re just using STDs as an excuse to brag 0.o</p>

<p>That would be really sad if you’re being serious and people are being ****** bags about it. Take hello_motto’s advice.</p>


Sorry, but I already settled for engineering. Pays more that way.</p>

<p>…God damn it, now I feel like a whore >.<</p>

<p>^ eh? if you’re comparing engineering to whoring, what is the sex?
I feel like overdoing metaphors today.</p>

<p>^ doing it for the love of it, duh.</p>

<p>Engineering is doing it for money, science is doing it for the love of it, and mathematics is just plain masturbation (then again, I want to get a dual degree in mathematics so…)</p>

<p>EDIT: Actually, this brings to mind the following quote by Richard Feynman:</p>

<p>“Physics is to math what sex is to masturbation.”</p>

<p>I think I am quoting Feynman a lot today, though.</p>

<p>This thread is getting very complicated now.</p>

<p>hmm…now what about gay sex vs straight sex?</p>

<p>Okay, you pretty much got me there. Anybody care to expand the analogy in that direction?</p>

<p>I wouldn’t call mathematics masturbation. I would think of your mathematical conclusions as the orgasm, with the work being sensation.</p>

<p>I would say that Engineering is pimping, depending on how close you get to the details.
Industrial scientists are prostitutes.
Teaching scientists are recruiters.
The IAS is an orgy.
Applied physics is oral - it doesn’t always go very deep.
Theoretical physics is coitus. It usually plays a critical role.
Homosexual would be collaborators in-field, and heterosexual would be collaborators across-field. It maintains most people as bisexual.</p>

<p>It is rather dirty of me to post this.</p>

<p>how did this thread become the topic of engineering and sex. everyone knows engineers don’t get any. its all about the business/econ majors. if you got da dough, you got da panties… j/p… so arrogant huh?</p>