Any Illinois applicants heard back?

From what I’m seeing around my school and posts on this forum, it seems as if the decision times are based on where you live. Nobody from my school has heard back yet from the second notification, so to confirm that this is actually the case, are there any Illinois applicants here who haven’t heard back yet? Could it maybe be because of the fact that Illinois is the most popular state to UW Madison after Minnesota and Wisconsin

postponed early action, from IL. still waiting.

I live in CA and I found out yesterday that I was accepted. I was in the second notification

I still haven’t received anything, I’m from Illinois

some other out of state decisions being reported today but still no word on IL. students. :((

I have a strong feeling Illinois will hear back Friday. Gotta hold our breath for two more days!

still waiting.

@newman22 did your financial aid link update? What are your stats

@HopefulBadgerPl no financial aid shows nothing. 29 act, 3.8 gpa, how bout you? feel like I’m lumped in with a bunch of qualified applicants from IL. and it’s a crap shoot.

30 and 3.6

They are waitlisting some more qualified in state applicants but accepting some less qualified OOS so yes it’s really a crap shoot. My link didn’t update either. But I did show a ton of interest with emails and a visit and stuff and spent months on my essay so hopefully they show a bit of compassion…

Wait… so ppl in Illinois got their decisions??


If there was no financial update, does that mean you did not get admitted ?

That’s something we’ll have to figure out once(if) we get our decisions tonight. I know getting it is a positive thing but nobody knows whether not getting it is negative or not

it’s getting late in the day do you think they will still come out tonight? I am now leaning towards Monday or Tuesday for sure.

They send them between 7-9PM CST


Haven’t gotten anything yet :-/

@illinoisgolf‌ congrats dude! What are your stats? Did you get a financial aid email this morning/last night?

@Neurogirl07‌ decisions will be flowing out for a few hours, hang in there!

Just got wait listed :confused: