Any incoming students/OCOB students have questions?

Hello all,

I’m a current 2nd year Econ student concentrating in finance with a minor in computer science. I’m pretty involved around the college. Currently on the board of 2 OCOB clubs, work as a peer mentor with the college, and have an internship this summer in the financial district in SF. If any of you all are interested in Cal Poly (specifically the business school) I’m here to help!

Thanks! I do have a question for our younger son. He thinks he’d be interested in majoring in business, but not sure which concentration. How do you suggest he find out more about the different areas? (He’ll be taking a semester of either micro or macro next year as a senior.)

The good thing about Business at Cal Poly is your son will be required to take classes in each of the various concentrations, and you don’t have to make a decision until the end of your second year. By that time you’ll have taken accounting, finance, marketing, IS, etc. and should have a pretty good idea.

Okay, that’s good to know. Thanks!

@needstoremember I’ve got a few Q’s:
How hard is it to get courses you need both in the OCOB and Gen Ed?
And related to that, how hard do you think it is to graduate in 4 years as a business major?
Finally, you mention summer internship - how difficult is it to secure something in the summer in So Cal? Do you see a lot of summer internship opps for So Cal?