any Indian student going to UW-Madison???

any Indian student going to UW-Madison???

There are many. Not sure if you were looking to speak to one in particular or just wondering about the demographics (not Indian).

I was driving past campus earlier tonight, I saw several people walking that looked like they may be from India.

ty guyz… 1 more ques , should I choose a room mate of Indian origin or any random room mate would be fun??

students and @Madison85 that first comment made me laugh way more than I should have. You can’t pick roommates anymore if you’re in university housing

@ad1172 you can pick roommates. I did.

@Hereford15 you were accepted off the waitlist, then I’m assuming. My roommate selection ended a few weeks ago, so I assume it’s different for you

@ad1172 , i was also wait listed… :stuck_out_tongue:
my documnent reached them after deadline

Random roommates are a good idea. Filling out matching questionnaires was found to be no more successful than not doing so. You learn so much outside of the classroom.

The time zone difference will be 10 1/2 hours this fall and change to 11 1/2 hours in winter. You will have a better excuse than most for not calling home! H is from India, son and I are from Wisconsin and went to UW.

You can meet with people from India via the student association but also be with the locals. btw, by now there are college age students whose parents were from India but who are born and raised here. We know of at least 3 good Indian restaurants on the west/campus side of Madison- one within walking distance to campus. There are Indian grocery stores as well. And, as you know, just being from India does not give you a common location or language so plunge right into being with Americans.

@ad1172 No, I was accepted right away. I have been accepted since mid-January and picked a roommate mid-March.