Any info on CTY classes, in particular AP US History?

We’re considering having DS take AP US History at CTY (then transfer credit to current HS).
Does anyone have experience with this CTY class (or other AP classes there). It’s hard to find out anything concrete from the CTY website…
How much work (and what kind of work) is involved?
How strictly is the work graded?

CTY moderates a FB parents group (here: Center for Talented Youth Parents Group | Facebook) that is pretty active, so you might have better luck asking your specific questions on APUSH there.

When my kids were in high school, they took multiple CTY online courses, including AP Calc AB, BC, Stats, CS-A, and Psych, but not APUSH. Typical time commitment was 5-10 hours a week, depending on the course. For the AP courses, the content was delivered via asynchronous videos, augmented with online sessions with the instructor every 1-2 weeks and some optional review sessions prior to the AP exam date.

The grades were based on a combination of weekly homework, periodic midterm exams, and a final exam. One of my kids sailed through, but the other struggled with some of the exams which did negatively impact his CTY grades. We didn’t really care about CTY grades (other than the final AP score) as we weren’t attempting to use these courses for HS credit as the kids already had enough HS credits to graduate without the transfer. Both kids are at Duke now.

If you’re attempting to use these courses for HS credit, the first thing you need to do is talk with your student’s high school and make sure they will grant the credit for online classes taken outside of school, as they are under no obligation to do so and many will not. For AP courses, you also need to determine where to register and take the AP exam. We did not have this problem, but some high schools will not allow students to take AP exams for courses they did not take at the HS.

Good luck!

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Thank you so much for the detailed info, especially the FB group!

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