Any International applicants and students at Dartmouth ?

Feel like Dartmouth threads are not as active as other ivies or say Uchicago. Besides internationals seem really rare. So just wanna see if there are any international applying for Dartmouth? For current international students, is it easy to fit in and any experience you want to share with other international applicants? Many thanks. ;:wink:

The international community at Dartmouth is touted as one of the strongest - look into their Global Village Program.

I just stopped by the Global Village Program. Sounds really great. Thanks~

@CC142857 Yup! I am international applicant. Are you one as well?

Hi, Iā€™m an international applicant from India

me Too!!! anotherdude
Are you on Facebook

Me too! :smiley:
What are your stats? :smiley:

@Lapi5510 Yeah, I am