any international student got into top schools or IVies with low 600 verbal score??

<p>Wiki, this is not for Yale College, it's just Yale. Oh, it also says 24 for Russia, which is absolutely not true for College.</p>

<p>Dude... it isnt IMPOSSIBLE to get into IVYs with low 600's... As all internationals are uber in math, they get 1400+ (800 and 600+). This is enough to get into certainly the low IVYies. I've seen numerous cases where Korean ppl got accepted into Cornell, and Berkeley with 1300's.</p>

<p>Certainly with 1400+ you'll get into every school perhaps except HYPMS. But SATs arent everything. My friends got accepted to MIT with 1360. His GPA 3.8 and yes he got accepted.</p>

<p>No. He wasnt a national olympiad winner. He was a mediocre person with a rank of not even top 10%. But i guess his recs and essays changed his life :D:D:D</p>

<p>CHeer up!!!!!!!!
600+ is gd</p>

<p>CCnerd I should point out about a third of the kids at MIT have SAT scores below 1400 and half had a gpa of 3.8 or less. I don't think they are THAT academically stingy :)</p>

<p>It would be a good idea if you don't get accepted to go to a slightly worse school and ace your way to transfer to wherever you want to go.</p>

<p>Verbal 600+ isn't the end of the world. My friend got into Harvard with 1360 if I remember correctly. But of course her essays and recs must be goooodddddd.</p>

<p>If you don't have time to retake SAT then focus on other app items to make up for the low verbal score. G'luck with everything!</p>