Any int'l got confirmation or interview?

<p>Any int'l got confirmation or interview?</p>

<p>i got confirmation but no interview...</p>

<p>Both. Even got in already. </p>

<p>(ED ;p)</p>

<p>Neither for me.</p>

<p>dude (original poster) you have the craziest profile name i've ever seen!! its cool...</p>

<p>kishor kumar, hahahahaha
i did, but im living in the US (im an international ... no citizenship)</p>

<p>I live in Israel and I just got contacted by my interviewer...</p>

<p>i got contacted by my interviewer, i'm in australia. do people contacted by an interviewer have a higher chance of acceptance, or is the being contacted more subject to whether there is an alumnus in your area?</p>

<p>I think it's subject to the presence of an alumnus -- none of the kids I know have been contacted yet, myself included, and I doubt all of us are auto-rejects! :p</p>

<p>Got my interview tomorrow, and yeah I have confirmation that my app has been received
Noldo: Is your ID lotr inspired?</p>

<p>It is indeed! Not many people spot that, but I suppose considering that you've called yourself 'Gildor'...:D</p>

<p>Confirmation, yes; interview, no information.</p>

<p>Noldo:WOOT!! another Tolkien Fan
had my interveiw yesterday. It was awesome. The guy told me it would be 1/2 an hr but it lasted for 3/2 hr.</p>

<p>yepp... mine lasted for about 2 hrs, pretty nice guy</p>

<p>no information about interview.</p>

<p>Im from Mexico and got contacted today.</p>

<p>I got contacted today.</p>

<p>still nada</p>

<p>Was contacted by an international interview coordinator and she linked me to my interviewer who is coming to my city tomorrow to interview me:) Yeey</p>

<p>was contacted yesterday..</p>