Any Koreans?

<p>First year at Geneseo.</p>

<p>I’m not sure what it will be like next year, but I’m just finishing up my freshman year at Geneseo and there are a lot of Korean students here, especially in the international dorms like Wayne (where I live now) and Steuben. Many of these students spend a lot of time together and seem really close. There is also an organization for Korean students (KASA) that a lot of these students are involved in.</p>

<p>^Does that mean that the Koreans never hang out with the non-Koreans?</p>

<p>No they definitely do. I had a few Korean friends in my dorm and classes and many of my other friends did as well. I guess it really depends on the Korean student though. While many liked a mix of both international and non-interntional students, some seemed to like hanging out with the people they had more in common with culturally. One Korean girl I know even changed dorms so she could be in one with more Korean students. Like I said, it really depends on the student.</p>