Any merit scholarships at Virginia Tech?

<p>Reading the information on the website, it appears that all scholarships are need based. Does anyone know if VTech gives scholarships based just one merit?</p>

<p>Depending on the college you’re in there are merit scholarships. I know some people in Pamplin that received $7500 without applying before they even attended Tech. Also, the College of Engineering has Merit Scholarships that you can find out more about on the website.</p>

<p>There are merit scholarships. They are generally more available after freshman year, and are usually by department.</p>

<p>If you go to [General</a> Scholarships | University Scholarships and Financial Aid | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]General”> and click on the two available lists “Need and Merit Based General Scholarships” and “Competitive General Scholarships” you can find ones that say “Award Based on Merit Only”. There are some on both lists that are merit based only.</p>

<p>Thank you, everyone. Reading over the list of scholarships makes me wish we lived in VA.</p>